walking is boring.

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cunes pov:) ahahahchchcchchchchaaaaa!!!!

i stare at his face in my hands. no. he cant die. i check for a pulse and find one. well. at least he's alive. he stirs slightly and starts to mumble something about rivers."river. floating." he mumbles.

i gentlyish drag him over to the protection of the trees for the nighttime. i have my back up against the tree and legolas head on my lap. i close my eyes and fall into a disturbing sleep..

D R E A M T I M E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im running from a pack of orks with legolas by my side. we keep running but i hear a cry of pain. one of the orks had gotton legolas and had a choke hold on him.

"let him go" i cried. blink. all of it happened with a blink. legolas in on the ground blood seeping out of his neck. and i stay frozen to my spot. watching the one i love dying.

E N D OF DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAY

" Legolas!" i scream. shooting up from the ground. I look around and see we are in the same position. i look down to him and see that his eyes are closed but he still is mumbleing.well alrighty then.

i lift his head off of my lap and go down to the river. i splash some water on my face and feel a bit refreshed. i grab a cup out of my bag and put some water in it. i travle back to legolas and see him in the same position. i slowly poar the water on his face and he wakes up. he tries to sit up but i stop him. "wait a little bit there bud." i say. he looks at me and he breaks into a grin.

he sits up a bit and then hugs the life out of me. "you saved my life! i have never seen anyone who could ever be as brave and dareing as that. thank you cunes!" he exclaims. i sit there in shock and then hug him back.

he pulls back and puts his hands on my face. i can see joy in his eyes and then he slowly leans in and kissed me. his lips felt like velvet against mine. he pulled away and turns his back on me." i am sorry lady cunes. that was not right of me to do." he said in a low voice.

i stand up and face him. i bend down to his level and kiss him again. "there is nothing to be sorry about." i whisper.

i finally updated. sorry for the wait:)




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