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*(V.) to think of or create (something that is not real) in your mind


Hey guys! So, this book is contained with imagines that people will request me to write, whether it's a member from a band or an artist, maybe even male celebrities. These imagines that are contained in this book are something that I enjoy writing for those who have requested me to make these, for I try my best to make sure they are satisfied with what I have wrote them in hopes of them being happy. The only thing I will not accept from those who want me to write an imagine for them is anything that will contain something dirty or sexual. The reason for that is because I feel like it's overall inappropriate, and it's something I will never enjoy writing. As harsh as that sounds, which I do apologize to those who enjoy things like that, I don't feel comfortable writing anything dirty or inappropriate altogether. As a writer, I want to be able to enjoy writing these for people who want to read what I have written for them, and all that matters to me is that they're happy and satisfied. I hope you all enjoy what I have in store for this book, and feel free to leave me a request at any time. 

*Credits to for pronunciation, and for definition of the word 'Imagine'*

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