Bells & Wills

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I'd like to thank every single person who has taken the time to read this story. It means so much to me that people do read the things that I write.

My sad news is that it's time for this story to be done and it is my thought that this is the last chapter I'll be posting. I hope it's satisfactory.

The good news is that Milena and Viktor's story will be glanced at several times in my next Harry Potter Fan-Fiction, 'Screaming Freedom' based on the next generation of Harry Potter characters. Milena will even play a significant part there even though she won't be the main character.

Thank you for all the support!



Grandma and Viktor were surprised by my rush for the wedding after I had blown up to not have it but when Amalia came to me I couldn't say no to how much she wanted to be my flower girl and her favourite flowers were going to be out of season soon.

*Two months later*

"Amy's crown will be ready for this weekend right?" I ask Layanna as we sit for coffee in Diagon Alley.

She nods, "I have them ready now if you'd like to see. All the bouquets, arrangements and centerpieces too. They're at the shop." 

Layanna had turned seventeen the month before and took all the money she got to open up a flower shop with a nice flat above it.

"This is embarrassing but could you come help me clean at the manor? I have to make sure all the rooms are ready for friends and family. Grandma and Grandpa are leaving to Spain tonight for a week and Viktor is with his family so it's just me with the kids. It'll be nearly impossible to get anything done by myself."

"Of course." She laughs and pays for the coffee.

"You shouldn't do that. I invited you." I sneak a sharp look at her.

"If I let you pay every time we went out I would never get any closer to repaying you." I steam silently that Layanna feels like she owes me anything.

"Thanks again for doing all the flowers." I tell her while we walk the pavements to her shop.

"For you it's nothing, honestly." She opens the shop door. "Actually, when word got out that I was doing the arrangements for the Milena Vistark it brought hordes of people in. They're paying before their flowers are even in season to ensure they get 'em." She smiles brilliantly at me.

I hadn't ever adopted Sebastian's surname as my own but that's what people called me. At first I would correct them but it just confused the poor things - "but you're Sebastian Vistark's daughter aren't you?" - so I let it be. It felt disservicing to vehemently oppose it anyway.

"This way." Layanna guides me to a big room with all of my flowers. "Here. I put the crown in a special box for Amalia to open on Saturday morning." She pulls out a silver metal box with 'Amalia' etched in looping letters.

"It's beautiful." I say before she even opens it but when she does I can hardly suppress my gasp of admiration. It's a lovely gold crown made to look like braided twigs with rubies shaped to look like roses, both buds and blooming. "It's so perfect Layanna." I'm nearly in tears.

"I wanted her to have if for a long time." She grins. "I had a friend do it. I'm not a skilled jeweler by any means. I also had this made for you." She pulls out a flat square box and opens it. It's a necklace, gold and made to look like braided twigs just like the crown. When she put it on me to try it went lax like liquid gold and conformed to the curves of my collarbones and neck making it look like I had brilliant golden vines growing from my skin.

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