The War Begins

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*Forward 18 months*

Two winters had come and gone with little excitement. Since I'd finished school Viktor and I's relationship had grown steadier and stronger. Trust finally played apart in his thoughts before he spoke or acted and I grew even slower to anger with him.

Mom found a job working at the market in town as she had found a true passion for cooking and socialising with the shoppers. I was pleased to see that she was just as in love with Sebastian as the first day I met him; a giddy woman when ever he was around. Of course, with her being at the market and Sebastian working at the Ministry, I was taking care of my brothers and sister. Viktor made sure to help when he could take the time and we had a system.

As I said two winters had passed with little excitement and we were in the midst of summer but it still felt bone chillingly cold. Whispers travelled up from the South that Voldemort had hold on the English Ministry of Magic and it was scarce to hear anyone deny the dark things that had been coming from there. Sebastian had come home from work once and, with not even a ghost of humor, told us to be careful and to be weary of who we trusted.

It turns out that Sebastian had held his tongue for quite some time and the unusual chill in the air was no coincidence. Voldemort had stretched his fingers to the North. After all, he did want the whole of the magical world at his feet, not just Britain.

We had heard of Dumbledore's passing the year before but not the circumstances and I had mourned him even more than I had expected. I wasn't oblivious. I read and I listened. I knew, without a doubt, that it was dark things that took Dumbledore from the world.

Then, Hermione sent me an owl to tell me her letters were going to be shorter and less often. She said that she needed to find another way of communicating as they were all in great danger and on the run. I had jumped to her aide but she refused and reassured that she, Harry, and Ron would be fine.

I'd left early from Fleur's wedding but Viktor confirmed that Harry, Hermione, and Ron had disappeared like many others when they got a patronus with a message that the Ministry had fallen. I knew then that there was now a fair amount of dark things Harry Potter had to do if he hadn't already done them. As the 'Chosen One' he had to play Voldemort's game and he had to play it smarter. I prayed that Dumbledore left him counsel and clues. I hoped Harry still had friends that Dumbledore would entrust such information to.

Today was much like every other day, cold and lonely. It was just me with the little ones. Viktor had practice.

It was after I'd put them all down for an afternoon nap that I got a curious letter. I didn't see where it had come from and there was no owl awaiting treats or birds seeking rest on in the trees in the back garden. The letter was from Hermione and I opened it with I quickness I'd never had with letter opening.

Dear Milena,

We're fine where we are. I can't tell you exactly because there's people looking for us. You're smart though and probably already know this. Owls aren't wise to use now because Voldemort knows you have connections with Harry and I. They're hunting down muggleborns which means you're safe but I'm doubly unlucky.

Please if you can do me a favor, write to my parents. They think you're a friend of theirs. I just want to make sure that they're okay.

I may need help in the future. These things we have to do are sensitive and I'm not sure exactly what to do. It's not every day you have to plan the things we have to plan.

Harry and Ron are champing at the bit to do something productive but we can't just walk about anymore. It's extremely frustrating to listen to them go back and forth. They don't argue much but Ron is missing his family more and more. He's not allowed to talk to them so he watches for the Daily Prophet and Harry secretly send Kreacher, his house elf, to the burrow to gather updates on them. Ginny is supposed to be going back to school in two weeks and they've named Snape as headmaster.

It really does make my blood boil but I can't let Ron and Harry see. I'm the only rational one here.

Anyway, please be careful. Don't place your trust in many people and stay safe.

Goodbye for now,


P.S. Put your reply in this envelope and seal it again with a charm. It'll come straight back to me. 

I couldn't imagine the stress Hermione was under. But I also understood Harry and Ron's eagerness. Ron wanted to be back with his family and Harry felt a duty to save the world. 

I sigh to myself, "What a horrible duty to be burdened with."

I grab a self-inking quill and write back. Promising that I'd write to her parents and offering my well-wishes; what I thought that would help, I couldn't say. I purposed that I go to the burrow to collect letters from Ron's family so that I could send them to her and sent all the love I could spare.

I fold up the parchment ad slip it into the envelope and seal it. It disappears just as Hermione had said it would. I wash the dishes by hand to clear my mind before Mom and Sebastian got home.

When they did get home the were oddly offish and spoke shortly with me.

"Have you spoken with your friends?" Mom asks intently at dinner.

"Which ones?" I take a bite of smashed potatoes.

"Harry and his friends." She says.

"Hermione sent a letter. Still won't tell me where they are."

"Are you lying to me?" Sebastian says aggressively.

"What? No!" I sneer. "What's wrong with you two?"

"You saw them at William Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding at the Weasley's home; did you not?" Sebastian asks robot like.

"What's going on?" Angrily I put my plate in the sink and walk Rurik, Tobias, and Amalia upstairs to their room. Whatever was going on they didn't need to be a part of it. I stop in my room on the way back to the kitchen to get my wand. Viktor covers my mouth before I can scream.

"Sh. It's really me." He reassures. "Your Mum and Dad have been taken." My eyes go wide and he nods to confirm my fears.

I sat to dinner with impostors and let them kiss my brothers and sister. It was almost enough to make me weep.

"Sebastian sent a letter. They've been taken."

"Vol-" He stops me and just nods. "Why?"

"They're tracking everyone 'oo might have had contact vith Potter."

"So they took my parents." I hiss, still trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Sebastian's been at the Ministry trying to keep them avay from you." Viktor explains.

"What do we do?"

"Get rid of them." He says with a final nod and hands me my wand. "Be strong." He tells me and kisses my lips.

That night I killed two men without meaning to but I took pleasure in knowing no further harm came to my family.

Viktor held me through the night as the kids slept.

"Are my parents dead?" I asked him.

"His letter said as much." He told me truthfully.

"Then I have to be stronger." I said resolutely and kissed him hard. "I have to leave in the morning."


"To Pare's for now. I have to send a letter to my grandma and grandpa to ensure they're safe. I'll write to Kila and Konu too. See how far Voldemort's got his hands." I sigh. "If Grandma writes back with news that he hasn't gone for the States then I'll go there. I'll feel safer."

"Come home vith me."

"I can't. You need to take care of your family." He kisses me passionately.

"I love you." Viktor says sternly.

"And I - I love you."

This meant war. I'd kill every deatheater there was just to ensure I killed the one that did this to my mom and Sebastian. I counted on receiving all the letters from Hermione until the last one came telling me where the last stand was. There, I'd help Harry kill Voldemort himself. And I was a guardian now. I couldn't let them down now. I could not fail them.

The War of the Unwilling Hearts (Harry Potter fanfic [Viktor Krum])Where stories live. Discover now