(3) New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!

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All right guys so here is the new chapter to the story. Sorry it took so long but I hope you like it! Please vote and comment! And I added some songs because I have been reading stories and I realized that some songs add to the story. So hopfeully my song choices work.....




Xavia by the Submarine

IDK if it goes with the story but it is an awesome song nonetheless!


I let the pillow drop and focused on the sofa next. This time it was easier as I almost effortlessly lifted the corduroy couch that must have weighed 200 pounds. Of course, I couldn't do this using my own body strength but I have something better, I smirked as I thought to myself, I have telekinetic powers. I gently set the sofa down.

I looked toward the clock, it was 8:30. I had half an hour to practice until I would meet with Amy and Maria in the dining hall before going off to tonight's escapades.

Okay, what next? I felt the surge of energy pulsate and I focused my mind on the refrigerator. Up, go up I thought and it did. I smiled, remembering when I was little how I couldn't even lift the sofa in my house. Call me pompous, but it has been a learn-as-you-go process and one of the most important things I have learned is that my abilities, to put it nicely, are like a muscle. The more you practice the stronger you get and the more things you can pick up but just the same, if you slack off and don't practice it is harder to levitate when you try again. I learned that the hard way when I was 12.

After doing my usual routine of lifting the refrigerator and couch a few dozen times I decided to have fun. I mean, what the point of having cool powers if you can't have fun every once in awhile? I was feeling lazy so I sent the surge to energy to where the TV was and unplugged it, and I did the same for every other appliance in out Kitchenette.

Let's dance I thought. And in 5...4...3...2...

Suddenly everything I had just unplugged flew into the air above my head and began twirling around as if in a ball. The coffeemaker bowed to the juicer and they came together and started weaving together through the air, next I paired the toaster with the TV and they were off. I timed their dance perfectly to the music in my head, and a step, step, step and twirl. I remembered the last time I dance with someone and a pair of strong, pale, muscular arms came into my mind. Followed by a pair of dark brown eyes that seemed to pierce my memories, and my happiness. I gasped loudly as too many painful and happy memories filled my mind and I heard all the floating objects drop around me.

Well there goes my concentration. I sighed as I levitated everything pack into their places and plugged them back into the wall. I was about to pick myself off the floor when I looked over and saw my bed sitting innocently on the floor.

I wonder....

I focused on my bed and it rose easily enough then I looked back toward the sofa and tried to lift it as well. I was so close when I felt my whole body start to tense up, it felt like every muscle in me was exerting the maximum effort possible. I felt myself straining against the invisible weight, sweat starting to form on my forehead and I felt my mind hit that familiar brick wall. I exhaled and dropped my bed a little too roughly back on the floor. I made a mental note: my next step will be lifting both my bed and the couch at the same time, that would mean I would be able to lit over 400 pounds. Not too bad....

I looked the clock, 9:10. What! I have to get ready fast. I ran to the bathroom that Amy, Maria and I shared in our suite and rinsed my face off. I quickly applied eyeliner and lipstick. I reached for the eye shadow and mascara and looked to the mirror. I hardly recognized myself anymore. I mean physically I was the same: brown curly hair, dark brown eyes, a long slender nose and slightly tanned skin from all the years I lived outside under the sun. But everything else, my once radiant smile and my bright eyes they had dulled six months ago. But it is best not to dwell on the bad moments, at least that is why Amy says. Why not? Who knows who I will see tonight, maybe I will see Danny later on after all? So I finished putting on my eye shadow, mascara and purse and ran out the door.

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