Ripped Apart

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I smiled at the twins as they ran around with Edgar. Edgar loved the twins and the twins loved him. I helped Rebecca clean bandages and hang them to dry. I looked up as guards came in. I walked to the twins and Edgar. They all stayed close to me. I stood with Edgar and Rosie on my left and Sean on my right. We sat as told. Sean leaned into me, looking up happily as the cart full of protein blocks was rolled in. I smiled at his excitement. He didn't know any other food so of course he would like these. I still think they tasted like shit. We lined up. I looked for Curtis. He was a bit further back, talking with some of the other men. I got a protein block for each other kids and grabbed one for myself, walking with them. I sat on my bunk with them. They talked ate happily. 

"They talking your ear off yet?" Curtis asked as he sat on Edgar's bunk and leaned back against the wall, smiling at me. 

"You know it." I said, smiling. He ate his protein block. We finally got settled in for the night. Sean and Edgar always shared a bunk. Rosie switched between sleeping with me and Curtis. Tonight, she had decided to sleep with Curtis. I didn't mind. I got the whole bunk to myself which was a rare luxury. I slept quietly. 

"Mommy?" I heard. I looked up at Edgar's bunk. Sean was looking at me. 

"Yes, baby?" I asked. 

"Can I sleep with you?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He crawled over, cuddling up to me. I held him close. I fell asleep but it felt like only a few moments later when I heard guards coming through the aisles, moving curtains. A guard opened mine. 

"All children come to the front. Just a medical check." He said, grabbing Sean. He let him get dressed then got Rosie as well. I breathed hard and got dressed, hurrying after him. I held onto Rosie and Sean. 

"Ma'am. Only a medical check." The guard said. 

"Please. They. They're both healthy. Please." I begged. He tugged them away, leading them to the other children. I looked at the woman, Claude, who came overtime they took children away. I shook and held onto Curtis, watching. She measured some of the children, including Rosie. She passed over her and looked at Sean. She knelt and measured him then his arm. She nodded to a guard. He was pulled to the side. 

"Sean!" I yelled, running to the front and trying to get passed a guard. Claude was holding his hand and leading him away. 

"Sean! Sean! My baby!" I cried and screamed, punching and trying to get free. I was beat down. 

"Give him back, you bitch!" I heard Curtis yelling, then saw him hit the floor beside me. I cried and tried getting up. I managed to get up on my knees. 

"Sean." I cried, watching the doors slowly close. I sank back down and cried. I felt like my whole world was being torn apart and I couldn't do anything about it. Curtis was holding Rosie close. I went to the door and tried getting it to open. I cried. 

"Please. Please give me my baby back. Please." I whimpered at the door. It was no use. He was gone. None of the children taken ever came back. I cried and beat at the door, angrily. My Sean. My baby Sean. Curtis picked me up and carried me back to my bunk. I cried and buried my face into my blanket. Rosie curled up with me, crying over the loss of her brother. It was unusually quiet in the tail section that night other than the sounds of our crying. 

Curtis got distant after that. He threw himself into working on making the tail section better or helping Gilliam. Edgar still trails along behind him but he was different towards me and Rosie. He barely acknowledged us and it hurt. It hurt Rosie too. He had moved bunks and with him went Edgar. Rosie cried about him hating us because of Sean leaving. I always told her that he loved her still. He was just grieving. I didn't know what to do. Curtis was supposed to be there for me. He had been there for me since day one. We were a team and he had left me in a time I needed him the most. I decided that I didn't need him anymore. And I'd be damned if they took my Rosie too. 

Edgar still came around. He still played with Rosie and Rosie eventually got over Sean enough to go on with her life. The grief and guilt never left me but I put it aside so I could take care of Rosie. Rosie made friends easily and she was loved by most of the tail sectioners. She sometimes talked about seeing her dad and how he would talk to her. He never talked to me anymore. He never came back to the bunk above me where I would be able to listen to him and Rosie talk during the night about whatever she wanted to talk about. I couldn't listen to his even breathing. All I had was Rosie and Edgar. 

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