Cook-Out (28)

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Chapter 28: Cook-Out

Nessuno's POV

"Is he treating you right?" Missie started to take off her clothes to reveal her bikini.

"Actually, he's been the perfect gentleman. It's like the man I met at the restaurant was just a horrible nightmare." I answered.

"Still, be careful. I will cut his dick off if he hurts you again." Missie threatened.

"I know babe. I know." I chuckled.

"Charlotte!" Someone squealed. Missie whipped her head around in utter confusion. Ever since I've met Missie and Sebastian, I've never used my real name. They know it of course, but respected my wishes of going by Nessie. As long as Missie has known me, no one has referred to me by my real name. Until now of course.

"Hello, Gizelle." I grinned, getting up to greet Ruben's sister. She gave me a giant hug and kissed me on the cheek.

"NO MORE STEALING MY GIRLFRIENDS." I heard Ruben yell as he and Sebastian came outside. Gizelle giggles and waves him off.

"Gizelle, this is my best friend Missie." I introduced them and they shook hands. Gizelle wore a really pretty bikini that put Missie's and mine to shame.

I glanced back over to Ruben to make sure he wasn't pouting. He appeared to be in a heated argument with Sebastian as he flipped the meat on the grill. Sebastian huffed and stormed off, Ruben following him. I wondered what they're arguing about. Surely Sebastian has forgiven Ruben. Missie hasn't and probably never will. But Sebastian and Ruben have a history, a friendship. Hopefully, they can work it out.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I told the girls and headed inside. I found Sebastian and Ruben standing on opposite ends of the kitchen counter. Ruben had his hands firmly spread out and he's glaring at Sebastian with a deadly look I've never seen before. Sebastian's face was completely red and he's about to cry.

"What is going on?" I asked. Ruben looked up at me, his face immediately softened. Sebastian stormed away and Ruben began to go after him but I blocked his path.

"What the hell is going on?" I said more sternly. Ruben looked down at me, then looked away almost shamefully.

"It's nothing." He mumbled.

"It's most definitely something. Wanna lie again?" I crossed my arms and glared at the man who made my best friend cry.

"You better watch your tone, young lady." His face hardened and his voice was dripping with dominance.

"Fuck you," I replied without hesitation. "Tell me what's going on."

Ruben sighed in frustration and ran his hands through his hair. I continued to stand my ground and waited for his answer.

"Sebastian won't tell me the name of the man who raped you." His voice was low as if he's ashamed.

"Ruben, that is none of your business." I stared at him as if he'd lost his mind.

"It is my business. You are mine and it is my job to protect you." His voice rose causing my browns to shoot up. He mumbled an apology.

"No offense, but I've gotten this far without your protection. My past is absolutely none of your business and you are lucky I even told you. Now, I regret that I did." I scoffed and began to walk away.

"I have to know." Ruben half begged.

"What's your father's name?" I turned and asked him.

"That's non-" he began and stopped himself.

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