Chapter 13: Training on Endor

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: ....Hello everybody... You must all hate me right now. I'm sure that lucky_luke123 probably does. Heh... I haven't updated this story for Thalia/lucky_luke123 in a while... And I may or may not have messed up the chapter 13 before... I just fixed it though. I will update a lot of chapters more frequently from now on. I promise! I'm very sorry, please don't hate me! >_<

- A very very very sorry Lyra_Takanashi441

~One Month Later~

     Leia groaned.

     "Luke? When can I make my own lightsaber?" Leia complained. Luke's eyes went to the sky as he sighed.

     "Whenever you can manage to find a lightsaber crystal," Luke said, chopping down a tree with his lightsaber. "They're extremely rare, so good luck," Luke chuckled, rolling his eyes. Leia crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes.

     "How did you get yours?" She asked. Luke huffed, not remembering.

     "Oh! I got it from Father. He keeps a collection of lightsaber crystals in a chamber on the Executor. He showed me the chamber once. He has all kinds of colors," Luke babbled. Leia's eyes lit up with an idea, and she smirked smugly. Luke saw her and cocked his head in confusion.

     "We can....sneak into the Star Destroyer, and steal some," Leia recommended slyly. Luke shook his head after a moment of thought towards the idea.

     "Cunning...but no. It's too risky. We can get in big trouble if Father caught us," Luke argued reasonably. Leia snorted.

     "What's the worst that can happen?" Leia threw her hands in the air. "We're his children for Force's sake. It's not like he'd kill us," Leia said, winning the argument. Luke sighed in defeat.

     "Well... Y-You have a point." Leia put on her "puppy dog eyes" and stuck out her bottom lip, causing Luke to roll his eyes. 

     "Whatever.. Fine, fine. We'll do it," Luke said, waving a hand in dismissal. Leia squealed and hugged Luke. "We'll need a good plan though. Sneaking on a Star Destroyer isn't the easiest thing to do..." Luke said sternly, pointing a finger in Leia's face. Leia pushed it away.

     "Do you know where the Star Destroyer is headed?" Leia titled her head curiously. Luke nodded.

     "An Imperial meeting on Alderaan with Bail Organa. You'll have to be careful. Father might send you right back to Beil if you're not...careful," Luke explained. Leia shivered nervously.

     "I'm NOT going in that stupid castled again..." Luke nodded, sitting down on a log. He grabbed a stick and started to draw in the mud. He drew the Executor and the Small A-wing ship they had.

     "We can change our codes, and get into the landing dock in the Executor. Next, we'll sneak around on foot. I know where the chamber is. Then, we will get inside using the code. Which is 3787. We'll steal the crystals and get out of there as quickly as possible," Luke instructed. Leia snorted, snatching the stick out of Luke's hand.

     "That's a terrible plan!" She drew the Alderaan Castle and the Executor in mud near Luke's drawing. "We can sneak into the castle and steal an anonymous ship. Then we'll use an Imperial code- which you know and sneak in the chamber, etc. Plan B, we can take you into the ship as yourself and distract everyone. Then, I'll sneak in and go in chamber. After I'm done, we will meet back at the landing dock," Leia planned, smirking smugly. Luke's face held a surprised look. 

     "I like your Plan B. Plan A.... not so much... Plan B. will be our main plan. What if something goes wrong, though?" Luke asked, doubtfully. Leia tapped her chin.

     "We'll escape on a shuttle or TIE fighters. If we get separated, then we'll meet back on Endor." Luke nodded, satisfied with his answer. 

     "Alright. Sounds like a plan. Though, I'll have to teach you some defense mechanisms," Luke stated standing up. Leia dropped the stick to the ground. "First, I will teach you a Jedi mind trick. Then, I'll teach you Force choke and push," He continued, his hands resting on his hips. Leia nodded eagerly. 

~3 Hours Later~

     Leia strongly Force pushed Luke. He stumbled back and smiled after regaining balance. 

     "It won't affect me because I'm a Force Sensitive, but it will work perfectly on anyone else. Well... Except Father. He wouldn't even budge," Luke told Leia. She chuckled. "Leia Skywalker, you have officially mastered Force push, Force choke, and Jedi mind tricks! Congratulations!" Luke complimented. Leia curtsied, beaming with pride. 

     "Thank you, dear brother," She stated playfully, giggling softly. Luke grinned.

     "We'll leave at dawn. You need to rest, dear sister," Luke informed Leia as he cooked four fish above a fire. Leia dug in her pouch and pulled out two small containers. 

     "I bought salt and pepper at the market today," Leia said. Luke gasped.

     "Leia! When did you go? Did you go to the village?! Leia nodded.

     "Yes, I went to the village before dawn. You were still sleeping." Luke's force was filled with horror and fear. 

     "You could have been hurt! Why didn't you w-" Leia cut off her brother.

     "Thank you for being protective of me, Luke, but I can handle myself. I'm eighteen." Leia shifted her eyes away from Luke and continued frying fish. "You might want to flip that," Leia said, pointing to the fish. Luke shook his head and sighed. He grabbed the tails and flipped the fish over. The grease from the fish sizzled. 

     "Alright, but you inform me of your absence next time, Leia," Luke stated sternly. Leia nodded.

     "Okay!" she smiled. Luke rolled his eyes. 

     "Sisters..." he mumbled. Leia winked at Luke.

     "Brothers..." she mumbled, mocking Luke.  

(Next time there will be gifs and pictures.)

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