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Kylie pov

I need to text colin and ask him him if he wants me to come pick up harlow or if he wants to drop her off.I really want to talk to him about things that are bothering me I want our relationship to work.I know that he is the one for me and I don't want harlow around when we have this talk.If colin and were to brake up and thats a big if I want to make sure that we can be freinds when it comes to harlow because she call him daddy.I really do love colin I have insecurities about are relationship because of me being young and having a child.I get that he is older then me I know that he didn'thave to step and take care of harlow like he did.I want to make sure we work through what we need to make sure we stay in a good place.I know that we have are differences ways of parenting when it comes to harlow I want to make sure that we are on the same page.

text conv

K-Kylie C-Colin

K-hey babe

C-hey babe

K-do you want me to come pick up harlow or do you want to drop her off at my moms house

C-can you come pick her I don't want to get mob by all the camreas and stuff and I want to talk to but not around your family and stuff.

K-thats fine i get it I can come and get her and I wabted to talk to you anyway

C-ok love you

K-love you

I should have know that he wouldn't want to come over and see my family while we were here.I get that he hates having the camera crew around and stuff but it doesn't have to not come and see me.I want him to feel like he can come over and feel conftuerbul with my family.My family just wants to get to know him better.I want colin to like my family like I love him and I want my family to love him.

Colin pov

I am glad that me and kylie are going to talk because we need to make sure that we are on the same page.I still am having a hard time with the camreas following me and kylie and harlow its not easy for me to have all that in my face like that.I love harlow as my own and I don't want to break up this family but I need some type of privecy.I want to make sure that I tell her how i feel about the camrea crew.In the end whatever happens between us I hope we can still be friends and her to let me still part of harlow's life.

Kylie pov

I just pulled up to the hotel so I could talk to colin but also pick up my child.I knew this time would come that colin and I would need to have this talk I wish we diddn't though.I am very nerves to see what will happen I just don't want harlow to be around us when we had this talk but I guess he didn't want to have the camrea crew.I may have the camrea crew watch harlow while I am talking to colin I will have my mic off.While I am talking to him and have the camrea crew in the lobby with harlow.I hope that we can make it work but my sisters are right I am doing waht I need to do for harlow and putting food on the table for her to cloths on her back and shoes.

Colin pov

I am in my room with harlow wathching tv until Kylie showes up.I love when I can spend time with harlow and I am not buys with football.I would do anything for harlow no matter it is where I am.Harlow is the light of my life.I was watching tv when I heard a knock on the door I knew whoit was.

K-Kylie C-Colin H-Harlow

C-opens the door


C-hey how are

K-fine how are you

C-I am good

K-this is werid for me

C-me to come in

K-thanks where is harlow wathching tv


H-yea daddy

C-mommy is hear ok me and her need to talk ok go watch tv

H-Hi mommy I miss you

K-I miss you too me and daddy need to talk ok

h-ok love you

K&c-we love you baby girl

C-we need to talk

K-yea we do

C- love you know that right

K-yea I want you to spend more time with my family and me

C-I would love to spend more time with you but I don't want to be filmed or be on tv I get that is what you do for you and harlow to make sure she has what she wants.

K-yea it is but I get that you dont want to be filimed and I understand that.

C-I knew what I was getting when we started dating but I hate people fowlling me around its just not me

K-I get that you hate having people fowlling you around I do to but with all the business I have going on i need to be albe to go to metting or do interviews and with my family being who they are the camares wont stop fowlling us.

C-I get it. I think it would be good if I just step back and think is this really what I want I will let you and harlow stay at the house I will stay somewhere eles and I will still want to be in harlows everyday life and have her stay where ever I am.

K-I can understand that.Yes you can be in harlows life to her you are the only dad she knows I am not going to take that from her or you that would be so messed up if I did that.I think we are going to have to talk to her and let her know whats going on because she is going to ask questions. thanks so much for letting harlow and me stay at the house.

C-I would do anything for you guys are the most amazing people in my life

K-I think its time for harlow and me to go

C-ok let me say good by to Harlow I think I am going to see if I can get a flight back so I can get my stuff that I need

K-don't do that Harlow will be so bummed if you do that

C-I think its best that way you and Harlow can finish filming and that way I can get my stuff out of the house.

K-oh ok be safe text me and let me know if anything changes Harlow come say bye to daddy

H-bye daddy love you

C-love you to princess

H-love you more daddy

Kylie pov
To know that Colin wants to take a break makes me so sad. All I was hoping is talk about everything and stay together. but to know that he wants to move out and let me and Harlow stay in the house alone. How am going to tell my daughter that daddy is moving out of our house and going to be living somewhere else and is leaving this trip early to. The talk didn't go the way I thought it would.We are on our way back to my moms house now. We just pulled up to my mom house I parked the car got and went to Harlows side and got her out put her down closed the door and walked to go into my moms door. My family is always in your business I don't want to tell them what happened all I want to do is be alone for a while that's it.
K-kris my-Kylie

K-how was the talk

Ky-I don't want to talk about it

K-ok when you are ready will you

Ky-when I am ready I will talk until then I need to be alone.

The next will be in future

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