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Kyile pov

I was in San Francisco looking for a house and a pre-school for Harlow.I still not have told my family that I am moving yet and I don't know how.As much as I want to stay in L.A. I feel like the paparazzi are never going to leave my daughter alone and not have a normal life.I will still do the clothing line with my sister kendall at pac sun but other then that I don't want much to do being in the spotlight.I want to find my daughter a father figure she can look up to.To have to hear my daughter ask why her dad is not around broke my heart to have to hear from her when she her classmates with there fathers.

flash back

I caught the father of my child cheating on me with a friend when I was going to tell him i was pregnant with his child. I Broke up with him and told him I was pregnant and bitch slapped my former best friend in the faces. I told her that I don't want to be friends with her and I don't want her around my child and she would no longer be the god mother like I told her if I were to get pregnant ever.When I told my ex I was pregnant He said it wasn't his and I yelled back that it is.

flash back over

I still have not found the house that would be ok for my daughter to play.I want a house that has room for when I have people come over and enough for her to play and run around to be a kid.I think i finally found the house that fits what I want.(the house above is what she found)

Colin pov

I saw this pretty looking girl looking at the house next to me.she was a not like all the other girls I have meet let alone have ever thought about taking to to meet my mom but most of the girls have not met my mom.She looks like this girl I have seen on the internet and t.v. and hear people always talking about her family.As I walk closer to see who it is I know that it is Kylie Jenner is pretty girl if she always didn't have all that make-up on her face.I had to get to know her I can tell she is different from the t.v. show shows her as.

C-Colin K-Kylie

C-hi how are you

K-I am fine thanks for asking

C-My bad my name is colin what is yours

K-my name is kylie but I have a feeling that you know who I am

C-ok I do but I want to get to know the real you not what I have heard or have seen let alone read.

K-you are one of the few men that is willing to get to know me for me and not my money but who are you

C-well lets take the time to get to know each other why are you looking for house out here

K-for my daughter and me I don't want her to have to grow up with cameras in her face I want her to have a some type of normal life and not have to have parent and other kids look and at her and tell her things

C-now that is a women I can respect doing what you are doing and being single


C-maybe we can hang out while you are in town how long are you ion town for

K-till tomorrow night if you want to have lunch here is my number (905)278-4565(don't know if this is a real number)

C-here is my my number (808)217-2378(don't know if this is a real number)

there is something about her that is different.The fact that she has a daughter and looks so dame good makes me wonder where the father is.My mother would be happy that the girl I plan on making her mine that she has her own money and is not using me for money or fame in anyway.I don't care that she has a daughter it makes me respect her for being single parent.I want to know the real her and not what people say about her in the blogs and all that other stuff.I know that I am with a lot of different women and all but I have not found.

Kylie pov

The fact the Colin was talking to me was nice.Its hard for me to believe that a guy like colin would be with a girl like me that has a kid.I want to make sure that colin is the right guy before I have him come and meet my daughter.I have not done a lot of dating since I have had harlow.Sometimes I always wonder if I was still with my ex i realize that it might not have been good for harlow to grow up in at all.I am so thankful for the help of my family and all the help they have given me.I am not sure were things will go with colin but I hope its all good things.There is different about colin then most that ask for my number and didn't run for the hill when I said I had a child.Getting to know him it seems he is all about his family and friends and is caring.I want my harlow to have someone to show her what a dad is since she does not have one to show her that type of stuff. I would do anything for my daughter to make sure she was happy.I didn't want to leave san francisco but I do have to get back to my daughter as much as I would love to stay here with colin.

C-Colin K-Kylie

K-I have to go back home

C-I don't want you to

K-If I could I would but I have a daughter that needs me.

C-I get that and I know that you want to take things slow to make sure that I am the right guy around your daughter.

K-yea but I also want us to work between us so i will come and vist you and come to some of your games to

C-I would like that a lot and I hope that you and your daughter move here

K-she would like you I can tell you that she would think you are a big teddy bear to her.

C-thats a good thing then

K-got to go I will call you when I get back home

C-ok i can't wait

K-(kiss colin on lips before she gets in the car) bye call you soon

C-(kiss her back)I can't wait

I get in the car and go so I can see my daughter because i miss her so much.I like where thing are going with colin.I can tell that harlow will love colin but I don't want her to met him just yet maybe in a few months i will let the two of them meet.I miss colin already ands been only a day.

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