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kylie pov

we have started filming and I now live in san fransico with colin and harlow.They are not filming the show me.I wish I didn't have to be filming right now  I have harlow with me but they will have to just cut her out.I have to go back to L.A. sometimes to have meetings with the family about the show and things.I have changed since I have started dating colin in a good way.I get lot of hate for being 18 and having a daughter and dating someone who is in ther late 20's. it bothers be how much shit they talk about colin dating someon who is a teenager and who has a daughter. Colin has been the best thing for me and my daughter.Colin shows my daughter what its like to have have a dad in her life when she has nver had when people say that its wrong for me to expose my daughter what coin and are doing is wrong.I first I want to tell them that my daughter loves him amd he loves her as his daughter When colin his home its daddy daughter time he even takes her to his work outs  and practies. to her colin is just daddy so when she hears me say colin shw looks for him.

colin pov

I have read some of the things people write on blogs and on kylies twitter are not nice at all.I get that she is a lot younger then me and I am older then her.I love when I am home and I get to spend time with both of them.I love to take harlow with to my work outs and to practies with me.To her I am the only daddy she knows in her life.Kylie is filming and having to go back to  calabasas for meetings. Harlow stays with me when kylies has to go back home or kylie will take her with her.Me and harlow have that daddy daughter bond.

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