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next day

Kylie I need to text ryan and tell him that i need to meet up with him.I am scared to tell ryan that I want to leave the show.I know that the show is how I make my money but I can't do it anymore.I have to think about what is best for my daughter and I don't want kids saying mean things to her.I have started packing up harlow's room because she has lots toys and cloths.I have a feeling that she will have a bigger shoe collection then me with the shoe collection colin has.I heard my vibrate and it was a text

R-Ryan K-Kylie 

R-what do need to talk about kylie 

K-I want to talk about me leaving the show

R-ok lets meet up for lunch 

K-yeah can we do it today.

R-yeah we can meet today

K-ok what time should we meet

R-we can meet up at one o'clock

K-that works for me thank you so much ryan it means a lot

I am glad that I texted ryan to meet up and talk.I will have to leave harlow with colin because I  know that she might not want to be with anyone in my family.Colin has been helping me pack stuff up so we can stuff that i don't to put into storage 

Colin pov

I am helping Kylie packing up harlow's room because she has so much stuff.Kylie wants me to watch harlow while she goes to meet ryan to talk about leaving the show.I will finish pack harlow's stuff while she is gone.I know that this is how she makes her money but I am willing to take care of her and harlow.Maybe when Kylie and I have been together for a while I could adopted harlow as mine own child.I have always wanted to know who the father is but I don't want to push the subject with her.If I were to adopted harlow I would need to talk to Kylie and maybe find out who the father is so her can sign over his rights so I can be her father.

Later that day

meet to get coffee 

K-Kylie R-Ryan 

R- hey 


R-why do you want to talk about

K-I want to leave the show 


K-i don't want the cameras in harlow's faces all the time.I want her to have a normal life and not have her life on camera like me or my sisters have.I want my love life to be privet and not have people know who I am seeing 

R-finish out the season and you can be out of your contact have you told your mom

K-yea I have told my family that  I am moving but not not that I don't want to leave the show 


K-thanks ryan


kylie pov 

I now have to tell my mom that she is no longer my manager after I am done with this season of kuwtk.I need to tell her when I get home and tell and help colin because he was nice enough to help me and meet my family this way and it's not how I wanted to happen. I have missed my two favorite people so much.I am on my home now so I can tell my mom and help colin so can have it all done to just spend time together as a family.I am not going to have my daughter or colin on the show with me. I want to keep my love life out of the public eye and I don't want my daughter to be seen and have people in her face like that.I just pulled up to my mom's house.

Kr-kris K-kylie 

K-mom can we talk

Kr-what about

K-I am leaving the show after the season and I don't want you to be my manager anymore

Kr-why do you not want to do the show anymore is it because of colin

K-no it is not its  because I have been doing this show since i was 10 years old (don't know if that is true) I don't want harlow to have cameras in her face I want her to have a normal life and not those men in her face.I want her to at least have a chance to make a chose what she want to do with her life and not have her feel like she got it because of her last for you to ask me is it because of colin makes me so mad that you would even ask me that 

Kr-sorry didn't mean it like that ok 

k-ok i need to go finish helping colin pack what is left 


I could tell my mom was not happy that I told her she is no longer my manager.I need to be there for colin and I just don't want to be on the show anymore.I am not happy with what people are saying about me.

Colin pov

it has been hard to pack because harlow wants to play with her toys.I didn't get much packed until i just stopped all together and just played with her. I just want kylie to come home so we can get this done and spend some family time together.I know that we will stay in so that we don't have to have cameras in are faces and taking pictures of harlow and having her scared of the men.So will just watch a movie and eat in together.I heard footsteps coming this way I could tell it was kylie. when she walked in we got to packing.We got  harlow's doing in an hour and half.Now all we have to do is kylie's room but we are going to do that tomorrow.

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