Into the sea

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Selena's POV

"Truth or dare?" 

"Truth!" I said. 

"Oh c'mon Selena... You are telling truth for the last twenty times!" 

"Yeah cause I know you'll dare me to do something stupid if I say dare!" 

"No I promise it won't be stupid or difficult!" he said and smiled. I rolled my eyes and said "Fine!" then I saw his eyes glisten and thought 'I'm so screwed!' 

"I dare you to kiss me!"

My eyes widened and my mouth reached the floor.

I looked at Nate and he was looking back at me waiting to see what I was gonna do.

I looked back at Daniel when Natalie spoke. "Daniel Brad just dared Liam to do it! We said we wouldn't dare the same thing twice!" I released the breath I was holding and gave her the 'thank you' look. She nodded and I turned to look at Daniel with a victorous grin.

"Arghhh... Fine! So... I dare you to go to that rock and start singing 'I am sexy and I know it'!!!" he said and started laughing. I turned to look at Natalie and then back at him and said "That's the most stupid dare I've ever heard! But whatever... I'll do it!" I said and stood up. The rock was at the other side of the beach where no people were.

"Selena wait! I am coming with you! It's too dark there! You can't go alone!" Manuel said.

"Awww thank you Manuel you are so sweet!!" I said and chuckled.

"Manuel I'll go with her. You said before your foot hurts. It's better if you stay here." Nate said and stood up before Manuel could. Natalie turned to look at me and she mouthed what is he doing. I just shrugged and walked to Nate.

"Oh yeah! That's right! Thank you!" Manuel said and looked at me and smiled. Then Nate turned to me and said "Shall we?"

I just nodded and started walking. We were silent for what seemed like ages when he finally broke the silence.

"How are you?" I was surprised by his question but decided to answer.

"I am fine I guess!" I answered and we ended up in silence again.

"Selena look... I am sorry for being so rude to you! I know you've been through much. And if that makes you feel better I don't blame you for what happened. To Alice I mean... It wasn't your fault. And I want you to know that I regreted leaving!" I was so stunned and surprised by what he just said that I stopped walking without even noticing.

"What? Why did you stop walking?" he asked with concern.

"Ummm nothing... It's just..." I paused cause I didn't know what to say but decided to continue. "I didn't expect to hear something like that."

"I know Selena! And I am sorry! I wish I could turn back time and make things better." he said and I couldn't believe what I heard. Nate was being sorry?

"I just hope you forgive me!" he said and that was what made me look at him. He looked back at me and I said "You mean it?"

"Yeah... I mean it! Selena!" he said and I looked straight ahead to see that we reached the rock. I looked at him and then started climbing.

When I was almost there I tripped and almost fell. I gasped and tried to gain my balance and not end up at the ground below.

"Are you ok?" I heard Nate asking and I murmured "Yeah.."

"I don't think so!" he said and I looked down to see him climbing too.

Manuel's POV

I knew something weird was going on the time Nate volunteered to go with Selena at the rock. I mean the guy totally hates her for what happened. Why did he go with her?

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