Paradise Restaurant

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I arrived home and it was about 2:30. I wasn't sure if mum was still here so I went to her room to check if she was up there. I called her once and then opened the door. She was sitting at her bed reading something. I think it was a letter?!

When she saw me she smiled wrapped the paper and stood up and hugged me.

"Hi sweetie! How was it? Did you have fun??"

"Yeah mum..! At first I was bored cause I couldn't find anything nice... But......" I said and showed her the dress.

"Mmm... I like it!!" she said and winked. "Thanks mum!" I said and we headed to the living room.

"So is Sam coming tonight?" she asked and sat at the coach.

"Oh I forgot to tell her! I'm gonna call her later..!"

"It's ok!!" she said and played with my hair.

She is really beautiful with blue eyes and dark blond hair. In addition to me. I should have taken my dark hair and green eyes from my father...

Only the thought of him made me shiver.

"Are you cold?" mum asked with concern.

"No..! Just tired!" I said and it was true. I was exhausted.

"Take a nap then.. You probably need some rest... I'll be back at 8!" she said and stood up. She took her things and came and kissed my forhead.

"Bye baby! Don't forget to call Sam.. I'll see you at 8!!"

"Ok!! Bye mum!" she smiled and headed to the door.

After mum left I texted Sam and she said she would come at 7 to get ready..! Then I turned on the tv and decided to see a movie. I put 'Mirror Mirror'! I like that movie a lot and I think Julia Roberts is the best evil queen ever..!


I heard the doorbell ring and woke up. I had slept at the middle of the movie which was now at the end. I stood up and headed to the door. I opened it and saw Sam.

"Hi S!" she said and smiled.

"Hey! Come on in..!!" I said and closed the door.

"What movie did you see..?" she said pointing to the tv.

"Mirror Mirror but I slept at the middle..!" I said and she giggled.

"So wanna go upstairs and get ready..?"

"Yeap!!" she said excitedly.

"Go ahead and I'll bring juice..!" she winked and headed upstairs. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took the juice out and filled our glasses. I walked up the stairs and entered my room. Sam was sitting at my bed with her legs crossed.

"So what are you gonna wear?" I asked and she grabbed a bag she had brought.

"This..." she said and showed me black shorts ".... and this!" and then a coral strapless shirt.

"With these..." she was holding light coral heels " and this!" and finished with a beautiful long black necklace.

She looked up at me and waited for my reaction.

"I like it..!" I said and she smiled.

"Well let's see what are you gonna wear..."

She stood up and opened my closet. She searched for about 10 minutes when I saw her turn around. She was holding a floral waist skirt I had forgotten I had and a white top.

"What do you think?" she said while laying them on my bed.

"They are pretty..!" she smiled and searched my shoes.

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