Chapter 14: A Bit of Trouble

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"Fucking hell," I muttered as I tried to sit up. My head was throbbing so painfully hard. It was so difficult to bear. It took all my willpower to prevent myself from crashing my head in a wall.

But then I heard something ruffle beside me. A hand reached out and cupped my cheek gently. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" An awfully familiar voice quietly asked me.

I closed my eyes and my eyebrows furrowed slightly because the pain didn't seem to subside even for just a bit. "I'm fine, Ciel. It's just... a little headache."

Psh. Yeah, right. A little headache my ass.

The man beside me dropped a careful kiss on my temple. "You must have slept too much because you fell asleep rather early last night."

"Gee. I wonder who's fault is that."

A deep chuckle rumbled near my ear. "I'll be right back." He declared as he rose from the bed.

I slowly cracked my eyes open to watch him leave the room. I heaved a deep sigh after I heard the door click.

"Goodness gracious, this is painful!" I groaned as I sunk back into the pillows.

Gradually, the throb began to worsen. My chest began tighten and oxygen seemed to disappear from my lungs. I tightly clutched the bedsheets as I began to palpitate.

'I can't breath.' I thought. "It's hard to breathe!"

Terrified tears fell from my eyes and I focused on gasping for oxygen.

"Hey. I brought Jeanette and Se--- Fuck! Lori!" Ciel had just opened the door when his eyes fell on me, he immediately attached himself to my side. Jeanette and Sebastian were not far behind. An identical look of alarm and concern on their faces but with varying degrees.

I struggled to breathe as I clutch onto Ciel. The bluenette let me and he rubbed circles on my back. "Breathe, baby, breathe." He whispered next to my ear. His hot breath keeping my senses alive.

Tears still rolled down my cheeks and I tried to follow what he said. But I panicked when I felt fire in my chest, pricking and burning my lungs mercilessly.

"Milady, please calm down! Take slow deep breaths!" Jeanette worriedly advised as she gently held my hand in a secure grip.

Sebastian immediately pulled the tea cart in and poured a glass of water for me. He passed it over to Jeanette.

"Thanks," Jeanette muttered. She kept her gaze locked at me but she didn't give me the water just yet. "Lori, you can drink some water after you have stable breathing. If you drink now, some water might go down the wrong pipe so focus on regaining your breath first."

Her tone was calm and firm, like a mother's voice.

Finding it soothing, I nodded and took deep breaths. One breath. Two breaths. Three breaths.

"That's it, Lori. You're doing it." Ciel softly whispered as he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

I slowly felt oxygen build up on my lungs again. One breath. Two breaths. Three breaths.

I reached for the water and Jeanette willingly gave it to me. The glass was cold against my shaking fingers. Jeanette had to manually wrap my fingers around the glass by wrapping her hands on mine.

My breathing was still quite peaky but it slowed down considerably compared to my breathing a few seconds ago.

I brought it to my lips and slowly drained the whole glass. Jeanette gently pried the glass from my fingers.

"One more glass, Milady?" Sebastian asked as he raised the glass pitcher in his hands.

I shook my head and leaned on Ciel's chest.

"Thank you, Jeanette and Sebastian. Leave us for a while. I'll take care of her." The Earl said with a slight tone of urgency.

The two servants bowed.

"Lori, my sweet Mistress. Call my name if anything happens. I'll come in an instant." The white-haired lady promised as she patted my head tenderly.

I slowly nodded, my hands curling tighter at the fabric of Ciel's white polo.

I liked it when Jeanette was being like a mom to me. It felt so nice and warm.

When the white-haired lady made no move to leave, Sebastian held Jeanette's waist slightly to pull her out of the room.

We were now alone.

The boy beside me ran his fingers through the messy tangles of my hair. "Do you want to sleep?" He asked. His voice was low and barely audible.

I vigorously shook my head. I can't possibly sleep aftet what just happened!

"Okay. Do you want to lean on me for a while?"

I nodded.

Ciel then leaned on the headboard of the bed and pulled me in his arms. He deposited my head on the crook of his neck and his right arm anchored me to him. His left hand brushed the stray bangs from my face.

Suddenly, I felt so guilty. Ciel is a very busy man. What if I was keeping him from doing something important right now? Oh my god, I'm being a burden.

"Ciel," I whispered as a few tears escaped from my eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for this. I'm sorry for being a burden. I'm just... I'm really sorry for being so weak a-and worthless."

He swiped his left thumb to wipe my tears. "Baby," Ciel murmured. "Don't worry, you're not being a burden. You're mine, Lori. I'll take care of you. Just rest for now." His lips made contact to my forehead for a brief moment.

"Thank you, Ciel." I smiled up to him. "But am I hearing you right? You're calling me baby." I teased him.

Ciel smirked at me. "Why? Don't you want to be called my baby?"

I returned his smirk weakly. "Hmm, I don't know. I'll think about it." I jokingly said as I pressed my lips to his briefly.

Ciel brought his hand up and cradled my face gently, but firmly. Locking me in place. He continues to move his lips on mine for a few more seconds after pulling away.

"You want to get some fresh air later?" He asked me.


"Sure. I'll call Jeanette so she could clean you up before we go to the gardens." He places his arms under my legs and back, pulling me up along with him.

My arms immeadiately lock on his neck and I felt my cheeks flush. "C-Ciel! I can walk! Put me down!" I ordered him.

"Shut it, Lori. After your little scene awhile ago, I'll be damned if I'm gonna risk letting you walk right now." He stubbornly growled as he headed for the door.

"I'm fine, Ciel. I swear," I seriously looked at the boy's lone eye.

The Earl promptly ignored me and brought me to my room, which was a few rooms apart from his.

He slightly bended his knees to open the door while he's still carrying me.

"Ah, perfect. You're here."

Jeanette looked at us curiously as she shut the book she was reading. "What's going on?"

"Clean her up. We'll have breakfast in a few and I'm gonna pick her up after so we could go to the gardens."

Jeanette smirked at the Earl. "Roger."


I'm sorry this chapter is short cuz I literally just typed this up right now on my bus ride home. My bus right now is freezing you guys. I can't even feel my fingers while I was tapping on my phone.

Anyways, didya enjoy the fluff? Is it too OOC of Ciel? Huhu, I'll sorry. I'll try to do better.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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