Chapter 4: Sunshine

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"This is sooo awesome!" I laugh as I run to the middle of the courtyard.

"M-Mistress, wait for us!" Mey-Rin called after me with a picnic basket hanging on her arm.

I immediately pulled Mey-Rin's hands and ran in circles. "This feels so great," I mumble as I stopped and released Mey-Rin.

"Y-yes..." The said girl dizzily cradled her head.

I waved for the others. "Jeanette, Finny, Bard! Hurry up, you guys!"

Finny caught up with us with a checkered white and red picnic mat, Bard was carrying the cooler with all our beverages, and Jeanette was carrying another picnic basket.

I gleefully helped them prepare the picnic stuff. We spread the wide cloth on the ground and placed the two baskets on the corner right while Bard positioned the cooler on the corner left side. Mey-Rin and Jeanette pulled out different kinds of snacks and layed them around the cloth.

"It looks perfect, Miss Lori!" Mey-Rin clasped her hands together as she stared at the setting before us. I nodded and smiled at her. "You think so too, huh?"



"So the culprit still wasn't found?" I asked while I scanned the papers in my hand. This was ridiculous, they were able to find only a handful of leads? How on earth are we supposed to investigate?

"No, Earl Phantomhive." Johann, my client, replied.

"Tch, you worthless fools." I picked up another paper and compared its contents from the first paper on my other hand. "Sebastian, search for more leads. I will not accept failure, do you understand?"

Sebastian placed his right hand on his chest and bowed. "Yes, my Lord."

"You really take this job seriously, Master. I mean being the Queen's most trusted watch dog," Johann left another stack of papers on my table and stood up.

I groaned. Great, more fucking work for me to do. "Of course, this is a tradition that has been going on for generations by the my bloodline."

"I see, well I'll return if I have more leads for you, young Earl." Johann bid as he headed for the door.

I pause for a while and glared at his back, "I'll be waiting with low expectations."

Johann stopped for a while and looked at me at the corner of his eyes. His gaze lingered for a couple of seconds then he left without another word.

As the door closed, I slammed the papers on my table. "I'll fucking kill that bastard after all of this is over," I venomously muttered under my breath.

"Young Master, what are we going to do now?" Sebastian asked.

I looked at him and my eye flickered red for a split second. "We'll take whatever steps we can and solve this case, no matter what the risk."

"Understood," my butler bowed.

Suddenly, faint laughter was echoing through the room. I rest my head on my palm. "What are those imbeciles doing right now?" I groaned.

"Master, they seem to be having a picnic at the courtyard...with the Mistress." Sebastian informed me.

I lift my head to peak at the window. Sure enough, they were seated on the grass while Finny was trying to make them laugh. "What the hell are they thinking?" I shook my head. "Whatever, we're going into town. I'll just pay the undertaker a little visit."

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