Tears and shattered jelly jars ϟ prompt

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It's been one week. One week since you told him that you're pregnant. One week of him and you living together. At first you were afraid that the unborn baby would tare you two apart. He had just asked you to be his girlfriend as well. But happily for you; that did not happen. He got so happy at first. then he got serious. Told you that he wouldn't let his unborn child's mother living on her own. That metahumans could hurt you. That you needed his protection. So he moved in. And yesterday the first embarrassing thing happened to you. At least you found it embarrassing.

The day before had been full of tears, hormones and peanutbutter-jelly sandwiches. You had been emotionally unstable. You had started to think about the current situation. Soon the thinking had transformed into overthinking. 'Barry should be home by now... What if he's not late? He always give me a text when he's late... What if Barry has decided to leave me? How am I going to be able to pay rent and take care of the baby? Will he dump me? Will Cisco and Caitlin hate me because of my child? Aren't Spanish people against that sort of thing? Sex before marriage? They are going to hate me!' The thinking just got worse from there. At the end you couldn't take it anymore. The jar of jelly escaped your hands and fell down to the floor, shattering into pieces. In your current state, you didn't hear the door opening and shutting. You didn't feel Barry's touch on your skin. You could barely feel his kisses on your numb cheeks. Suddenly you felt a soft surface under your back, and a pair of strong arms wrapped around you.

The sunshine had shined at your closed eyes and woken you up. For the first time in hours, your creazy hormones were out of your system. It took some minutes before you remembered what happened last night, but when you did, you groaned.
"Good morning sunshine," Barry's voice from behind caught you off guard. You shoved your head into your pillow, not wanting to see Barry's face.
"Awh, c'mon Y/N! There's nothing to be embarrassed about!" He laughed and you turned around to face him, a glare attached on your face
"You found me crying on the kitchen floor in the middle of the night surrounded by a shattered jelly jar,"
"The thing that concern me though, is that you were crying..." Barry's smile left his lips.
"It's nothing serious, Barry. The baby-hormones just got the best of me, I guess," you didn't want him to know what happened inside your head yesterday. It was just too embarrassing to share for you.
"If it was nothing serious, you wouldn't have cried Y/N. I know that, and now i want to know what made you cry..."
"You were late. And my mind started to overreact. I-I don't want t-to go into the details,"
"You don't have to," Barry reassured and kissed your forehead.
"I thought I would lose you. That you would leave me, and that Cisco and Caitlin would hate me, and I just didn't want that to-" you were almost sobbing now. All you needed and wanted was Barry's comfort, which you got. He interrupted you with a soft kiss on the lips, and hugged you harder.
"I will never leave you Y/N," his eyes watered because of your words. 

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