Daddy's promise 0.1

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Request from anon: 083 would be awesome

Category: Pregnancy
083: "I can't be pregnant... or....OH, MY GOD! "

Pairing: Barry Allen x reader
Warnings: Girltalk where the word "sex" is mentioned a couple times (idk if that's a legit warning tho), mild swearing (I think there's like... three curewords or something), and a bit bad writing in the beginning.
Words: 3516 

A/N: Just thought I'd give you the reason why I didn't post Cinderella part 2: it's pretty much because it's been a while since I wrote last time, and I want the second part to be perfect, AND I didn't have so many ideas – just thought you guys deserved an update quicker...


When it came to sneaking in after a long night, Y/N Y/L/N wasn't the best. Was the girl inexperienced? Well, maybe, but she blamed it more on her dominant gene of clumsiness. As expected, the door wasn't on her side when she tried her best to get into her and Mary's apartment inaudibly.

Squeak! It was moments like these, Y/N regretted not getting their door fixed. Though she excused her laziness with the argument that it was a great (cheap) alternative for an alarm in case of thieves (as if anyone would break the law for her stuff, hah!), it wasn't funny when you tried your best to sneak inside after a long night out.

"Good morning," Mary, Y/N's best friend, and roommate smirked at her, two cups of coffees in her hands.
"We really need to oil those hinges," Y/N tried her best changing the topic, as she took the mug her friend offered her.
"Nice try, go shower and get dressed. You've got a lot to tell me, and I don't want you to be hung over while you're at it," at that moment, Mary was so determined, Y/N didn't dare nor care to tell her she wasn't that hung over.

"You had sex with Barry?! I can't believe it! I mean, you guys are like... the definition of cinnamon buns!" Mary exclaimed in shock.
"Ugh, stop it, Mary. Now that I've told you everything about last night-"
"He asked you to take som drinks with him and Caitlin, then you just ended up having sex? Who are you?"
"-can you just be the bestest best friend in the world and don't remind me about it for the rest of my life?" Y/N continued as if her friend hadn't just interrupted her, and hid her face in her hands.

"Wait, what? Why? Was he so bad?"
"NO! Jesus, Mary, no, he- he was good... But the sex is not the point!" Y/N shook her head.
"Well then, what's the problem?"
"We're friends, and... and... and did you not just hear what's happened?! We had intercourse-"
"Don't say intercourse, Y/N/N, it's old and it's weird," Mary interrupted.
"Well, we did it-"
"You're not five, Y/N, I believe the word you're looking for is-"
"Oh my God, Mary, can we just not talk about this?! Please?" Y/n couldn't do this conversation anymore, and with a short "OK" from her noisy friend, Y/N left their living room.

It had been days since her and Mary's conversation about Y/N's wild night with Barry. Luckily for her, Barry was needed in Star City for a week, so the awkward meet was yet to come. Of course, Y/N knew that it had to happen sooner or later, though later had worked out just fine for the past days, hence why she was still rooting for that method – despite Mary's constant nagging.

The morning came quicker than usual as Y/N woke up by the sudden urge to throw up. This confused her, considering Y/N was never sick – well, excluding the days she actually happened to be, of course. So when she found herself hanging over the toilet, she couldn't help being both frustrated as well as disgusted.

"Y/N, are you ok?" Mary's voice came from the other side of the locked bathroom door. Y/N never locked the bathroom door – she feared she would get shut in and stuck during a fire – which happened more often than you would think (let's just say that Mary wasn't the best at cooking, or with fires).
"Uhm... yeah, just-" She was interrupted by a second and hopefully last round of vomit.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just a sec, Mary!" Y/N was panicking. Y/N was throwing up. Y/N never threw up.
"Y/N Y/L/N, I demand you to open this door before I get creepy Jack down the hall to kick this door open for me!" And that's how Y/N got herself in lockdown.

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