A very happy New Year!

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015: all I want is you

Summary: Y/N and her friend and colleague travel to Central City for New Years (because of a certain superhero). With her friend's surprise trip and bad planning, makes their night open for change. While Y/N prejudgements make her not look forwards to their day in the city, her friend is convinced they are destined to meet Y/N's knight in shining armor.

Warning: So there's going to be some swear words, IDK if it's really a warning, but now ya know... ALSO it's smart to read this because it's set before this imagine (though you don't have to) AND IDK if Central City has an airport, if not, just pretend for me;))

A/N: OK, so I decided to mash a request of prompt 015 with my "New Year's Eve"-one. Though on a later note, I kind of realize I should have used this one the Christmas-one ("all I want for Christmas is you;)

"Y/N, do you need me to throw a lamp at you?" My friend and I walked past the gates in high tempo.

"No, what I'd really like, is to know where we're heading," I answered back in the same tone I had used all day. My best friend and colleague (yes, the one that made me stuck in Central City at Christmas) thought we weren't spontaneous enough. That's the reason to my grumpy mood, we were at the airport, and my friend didn't want to tell me where we were going. 'It's a surprise, Y/N! Live in the moment!'

"Oh, well I think I should, because then it may be easier for you to lighten the fuck up!" her laugh made me do the same as we hurried over to our boarding plane.
"Well, good you're laughing, now I don't have to find a lamp," She was always the funny one out of the two of us. With the sarcastic remarks, the wittiness, and her interesting self, made all boys go for her. So when I got back from Central City, and told her about Barry, she got even more excited for me than myself.

"You're shitting me now, right? Please say we're not going to Central City, Rose. Say that we're just in the wrong cue and that we're actually spending New Years in Tahiti!"
"Sure I could waste my breath and strength on telling you that, but what's the point when it's a lie? Now buckle up and smile, Barry-boy won't fall in love with you if you'll be grumpy all day," at that comment, I wanted to whine and be childish. I wanted to stay in denial. And I hoped my supposed-to-be scary, yet childish silence would scare the butterflies in my tummy away. The butterflies that appeared once I thought of the red-suited miracle that had kissed my cheek just days ago.

"I still don't get why you bought a plane ticket, though. I mean, train worked just fine-"
"Y/N, you're ruining the spontaneousness! Now, we're here in Central City, it's New Years Eve, us two single ladies need to find a nice club," while walking out of the airport, we started to ramble on, and I had to remind her that I didn't really bond that much with my "friends" from CC (I didn't really know if I could call them that).

"Rose, I'm not like you! People doesn't like me after two minutes of talking with me. I'm not as bold and easy to talk to, Rosie," I excused myself for the nth time.
"That's not true! I liked you the second I met you," I rolled my eyes at her.
"You doesn't count. You either love someone or not at all," though she disagreed, the subject went dead – at least it for a couple of minutes.

"You know, we could always fake a burglary to make Flash come and save us, maybe he knows some cool places to be, or better yet: some cool people to hang with!" I tried to maintain a serious face. After Barry sped off some days ago, I hadn't told a living soul about his real identity. Of course, it was hard to explain the others how I got home so fast, but I managed to dodge the subject.

"Yeah, before or after we call Superman to join us?"
"Aw, come on, Y/N! You know, after you got home from this town, your obsession with the Flash have dropped rationally," she was right. It wasn't like I didn't like him anymore – it was actually the opposite, I really liked the Flash, and now that I knew he was Barry... My obsession had turned to a huge crush. And being in denial, I tried my best ignoring the scarlet superhero.

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