Chapter 24- Scared

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I Woke up at midnight and I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and no one was there somehow a man came right behind me and stabbed me and knock me out. Then when Zack came down stairs and ran right at me.


I didn't answer.

 "Oh no."  He was trying to patch up the blood and carry me upstairs. He called Abby and Nelly.

"Uh hey Abby."

"Hey how is Lilyanna."

"She is past out bleeding to death."

"Oh no did you patch up the blood?"

"Yes I did but she stills bleed through it."

"I'll be right over." They hang up and Zack was still worried about me. Abby and Nelly came over. 

"How did this happened?"

"I don't know." They looked at me. I woke up and I was still bleeding. everyone was around me and looked at me.

"Why are you guys around me?"

"Zack called me and you were bleeding to death."


"Plus what happened last night you were on the floor bleeding."

"Well last night I heard a knock on the door so I went to the door and somehow no one was there. Then when I turned around a man right behind me stabbed me and knock me out. So that's why you saw me on the floor this morning."

"Oh now we get it. Plus next time some one is at the door wake me up."

"I didn't wanted to plus I didn't want you to get hurt."

"Really Lily you had us scared."

"Well don't be scared."

"I'm fine." I got off the bed and walked to the kitchen and sat down. 

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