Chapter 9-Killer on the Loose

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I went back to my house and I hear that someone broke out of jail. I have my swords on me. I was worried. I locked the door so my parents would be safe. Later that night I saw the killer holding a knife. When I saw him trying to get in to people's houses. I was he climbing into peoples windows. I followed him and kicked him in the face.
"It's over."
He grabbed a knife and stabbed me in the stomach.
"That's what you think."
I grabbed the knife that he stabbed me with and killed him I took the body and throw it outside. A little girl woke up and was wondering what was I doing in her house. I told her to go back to sleep. I left the house. But still in pain. I went back to my house while blood was dripping. I bandage myself up and went to sleep. The next morning there was blood all over my bed. I was getting worried. I couldn't wear my half shirts. So I wore a full shirt. My friends were wondering why I was acting strange. I didn't want to tell them. I just hang out with them and carry on and ignore the pain so they won't notice.

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