Chapter 7

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Ethan's POV

Damn persistent bastard why did he have to come now, is this my punishment for being a player?" I tried to stall him when I saw Kat coming around the corner.

"Oh shit" was all I could process through my head.........

****Current time fast forward****

Kat's POV

"You know your really feisty." he looked me up and down again "Your probably rough too, your probably even better in bed." He wiggled his eyebrows and I saw pure lust in his gray eyes. I walked over to him when he said

"I knew it, your one of those girls that like one night stands, but I'll rock your world tonight." he winked at me. I kept my face blank as I said

"I know your one of those overly cocky boys who can't be a with a girl because of your insecurities so you treat them like trash." I raised my right knee and kneed him in the crotch.

He fell to the floor groaning in pain I kneeled down beside him and whispered "Not every girl wants trash like you." I smiled darkly and continued

"Cause I sure as hell don't." I then winked at him and I walked back to my room.........


Ethan's POV

I looked at my best friend as he slowly got off the floor. There was amusement in my eyes an he saw it.

"Where in hell did you get a girl like that from!" Zak was breathing hard but I could tell he wasn't mad.

I smiled an said "I know she's cute right." I began hysterically laughing till my sides were hurting I knew Zak was glaring at me but I didn't care. I started walking back to my room but Kathleen came back an she passed right by me and Zak without recognition. I just watched her in awe, I didn't know if she was doing it on purpose but her hips were swaying and it was really sexy, maybe too sexy. "Kat where are you going?" I called out to her.

She kept her blank emotionless face as she turned on her heel to face me. "Places." that was all she said an kept walking.

"I'll come with you." I said.

"In pajamas, I don't think so." that comment was harsh bit I shook it off

"If I change can I come with you?"

She sighed an tapped her foot, "I don't think it's a place for your kind."

I told her wait and she said in a bored tone "Hurry up."

I quickly got dressed in blue jeans an a long sleeved polo short that was dark blue with a white horse on it. I put on white polo shoes that had a blue horse on it.

When I came out Zak and Kat were glaring at each other

She looked at me and said "Took you long enough, come on."

Me and Zak followed her out the when she looked at me an said "Does that have to come with us?"

Zak laughed an said "You know you want me." Kat rolled her eyes an kept walking when Zak wasn't paying attention I slapped him on his back knocking the breath out of him.

He looked at me an yelled "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!" I looked at him an he knew he what I was for. I smiled as we continued following Kat.........


Kat's POV

I really didn't want these two guys with me but I continued walking in silence for about another 10 minutes until I stopped in front of my destination when I heard Ethan's friend (I guess it was his friend) yell "We walked to the damn book store!" I rolled my eyes an walked into the store. I walked over to the fiction section an leaned against the book shelf. "An why are we here." Ethan's friend said. I was here to meet someone but I wasn't going to tell them that.

I looked at him an asked "What's your name?"

"Zak" he said.

"Well Zak" I began "We are not French, so we didn't invite you so you can leave."

I turned an walked away, I heard them arguing about something but I ignored them. I ran into someone an I stopped in my tracks when I looked up an saw familiar eyes.

"Long time no see." I looked up an saw André one of my close friends from school. I threw my arms around his neck and he hugged me back. When he let me go I said playfully

"And where have you been?"

"Out of town you missed me?" he said wiggling his eyebrows it made me giggle.

André was a handsome guy who had a crush on me. He has curly blonde hair with green eyes that a lot of girls fell for. He was tall for his age about 5 foot 7. He always picked on me for being short.

"So Kat I was wondering" he rubbed the back of his neck nervously "D-do you want to go out on a date with me." he blushed when he stuttered. André was pretty cute but I just didn't feel that way about him.

"Oh yeah before you answer that two things:

One are you still playing at the club next week.

Two did you come here with anyone?"

I immediately answered

"Yes to number one, an yes to number two why?"

"Because there's this guy begins you who looks mad."

I turned around to see a angry Ethan glaring at André.

"Ah crap." I muttered to myself.........

To Be Continued.........

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