Chapter 6

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Kat's POV

"Ah great." I said to myself I bent down to a now passed out Ethan and I pressed my hand gently against his forehead. Ethan's fever was really bad, he was breathing in an out really fast. He's clothes we're wet and it was probably suffocating him. I sighed I began to violently shaking him when his eyes opened. He was breathing really hard and he's lightning blue eyes were staring into mine.

"Ethan you have to get off the floor." I reach my hand out to his. He grabbed my hand an tugged on it slightly so he could sit up. When he was finally standing I wrapped his arm around my neck and we began walking slowly toward his elevator. When we arrived I pushed a button to go to the third floor (For those who don't know Ethan lives in a five story house).

While we were in the elevator his breath was tickling my ear which sent a shiver down my spine the elevator finally dinged. We slowly walked down the hallway until we got to his room. Once we were there I laid him on his king sized bed. Ethan immediately passed out. I stripped him of everything but his boxers. I may not like Ethan but even I have to admit he had a nice body. He had a six-pack which was tanned and I noticed he had freckles across his body.

I found Ethan some pajamas and I put it on him. From carrying and undressing him my clothes were now soaking wet. I said aloud just in case he could hear me."Well I'll go change out of these wet clothes then I'll come back". With that I walked away.........


Ethan's POV

When I opened my eyes I felt a damp cloth across my head. Hope filled me as I thought Kat probably did this. I sat up an looked around for her my chest hurt when she wasn't there. I slowly lied back down when I went into a coughing spell.

I began to think about my mother when I realized

I was always alone.

Thinking of my mother made me feel depressed untill I heard "Hey, your awake." I stared at Kathleen in disbelief "She's actually here" I thought to myself. She was leaning against the doorframe when she walked over and sat on the bed. She put her hand to my forehead and said aloud "Your fever is starting to come down, how do you feel?" I couldn't take my eyes off of her when flashbacks came to me. It was her the girl I loved along time ago the memories hurt so I pushed them away. She took the piece of cloth off my head and she put it in some water. When she put back towards my head it was cold. I suddenly asked her "What time is it?"

"It's around 4:00 PM I was in and out of this room all night."

"You should really get more rest if you work yourself to hard it'll be an early grave."

My heart began to beat faster she cared about me, there's one more thing I need to do to see if she really cared for me.

"It was my birthday yesterday." I said her eyes grew wide at this.

"Are you serious it was your birthday why didn't you tell me!"

"I'll be right back, go back to sleep don't move!" She said this sternly. I drifted back into blissful sleep until I was awoken again. "Hey" I heard a voice say when I opened my eyes it was Kathleen.

"Is it true you like red velvet cake?" I nodded my head I loved red velvet cake my mom use to make it all the time.

She grabbed something from the side an when she hovered over me it was a red velvet cake.

"Happy belated birthday, I looked it up online an according to your website this was your favorite cake." she said sheepishly then gave me a weak smile that blinded me. "Did you want some?" I nodded I think I could see myself falling in love with her. I vowed I would never do it again but there was something about her. I've only known her for a week but she's all I think about. She turned around to cut a slice. She then gave me a plate and a fork with cake on it. As I began to eat it the sweet sugary goodness filled my veins. While I was eating it she looked amused. "This is great." I said scarfing the rest down. "Where did you buy it from?"

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