You Can Keep Your Love

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Hello this is my first story on Wattpad I apologize if I mispell some things anyways please enjoy I warn you now there is some sexual content.

Three years ago at the hospital

Ethan's POV (At 15)

This can't be happening I thought to myself. She's the most special girl in the world and how could this Shit be happening to her? I watched as she slowly slid to the floor. Her crystal blue eyes turned dark. I slowly walked towards her " listen Kathleen i know things seem bad right now but she wouldn't wan't you to act like this ". I gave her a sad smile.

'' Shutup'' she mumbled.

" What was that? '" I asked her.

 " Shut-the-hell-up and, quit acting like you know everything and leave me the hell alone." She began to get up from the floor and walk away I couldn't see my angel walk away I gently grabbed her small and delicate wrist and I called her name " Kathleen! " Something must have snapped inside her because she balled her fist up and punched me straight in the jaw. She then punched me in the eye and kicked me straight in the chest. I didn't have time to react as I fell to the floor. I stared up at her in disbeleif as a dark smile covered her face she looked at me and said " I had to put up with bullshit my whole life and this is the thanks I get, she began to yell " SHE'S GONE YOU FUCKING RETARD AND YOU EXPECT ME TO SMILE SHE'S THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERED TO ME WHAT I LOOKED UP TO AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BE HAPPY!? '' I watched her she took two steps back and grabbed the nearset wooden chair and smashed it into the vending machine. She punched her fist at the wall I watched her in awe. She screamed " I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN SO STAY THE FUCK OUT MY LIFE. I watched as she ran out the Hospital, and out of my life....

Last time I saw her was at the funeral she cut her hair short and had a dark look to her face but she was still beautiful. She began to walk into the forest when no one was looking I followed and found her slumped against a tree bawling her eyes out. As she looked up at me I walked over to her and stared at her. I grabbed her and pulled her into my chest breathing in her sweet scent for what might be the last time she cried in my chest for what seemed like hours but I was okay with it. Her deep blue eyes looked up at me when she said " Listen if you stay with me its going to cause you nothing but pain and suffering so I'm breaking up with you I never wan't to love again ". She was the only person who had the ability to rip my heart out and with those words she never returned I began to cry too, not only for her but for myself to. I also vowed to myself that day I would never love again............


3 Years later at Kathleen's Current home

Kathleen's POV (16)

I quietly sneaked out the front door with my long sleeved black and red shirt on with a black mini skirt. My pale skin glowing underneath the bright sun with my crystal blue eyes staring up at the sun. My straight black hair which I got from my mom flows down to my waist. The bangs I had when I was 13 are now down to my chest which most of the time covers my left eye. I hate the fact that I have cup size Double D breast which guys constantly stare at. My friends constantly tell me I'm model material because of my slim waist, breast, and long legs but those things never intrested me. Today like most days I pulled off the emo look which I liked. It tells most people don't fuck with me but most people don't listen. My red flats completed the outfit which I loved I sighed and closed my eyes " I'll live life just for you guys I love you I hope you know that." When I opened my eyes two hands wraped around my chest and said.

" Did your breast get bigger because it feels like it?''

I breathed in and yelled " Sophia STOP GRABBING MY CHEST AND SNEAKING UP BEHIND ME YOU ASS! '' She then let go, Sophia my bestfriend with long blonde hair and a size C cup breast was about the same height as me she also has hazel brown eyes. Her hair flowed down to her back and she was always smiling. Through it all Sophia was with me I've known her since Pre-K (Six years old) she was practically my sister. But Sophia has been in love with me since I was 14 when I saved her from getting raped. A month later she confessed, but as many times as I told her I was straight but she still pursued me. Today she had on a Peace shirt that was pink and white with white shorts and pink converses. She then yelled '' HAPPY BIRTHDAY, your finally 16  you should be happy! "  

'' Yeah yeah yeah" I said lets get this show on a roll " as we ran down the sidewalk to head to the store. We needed to buy walkie talkies for our weird game today I really needed to cheer up.


Ethan's POV (17 will change to 18) " Thank god " I said. I finally ditched that crazy ass girl who said that we should get married and when I die I'll leave her everything. Fat chance stupid bitch I began to walk when another group of EFC ( Ethan's Fan Club) girls screamed " THERE HE IS GET EM'! " " Oh shit " I said to myself I began to run. " Do these girls ever quit! " At first it was fun that were girls doing whatever I wan't and not thinking about it one bit. I ran into a park and hid behind a slide. I've never met one girl who didn't wan't me funny thing is I'm waiting for a challenge. I guess I'm  in the clear when they all ran past me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the most beautiful girl. She was running though " Damn " I thought to myself I better keep running when she turned her head I ran for my life................................


Kathleen's POV Sophie and I arrived at the toy store at 4:27 pm as we walked we went straight to the electronic section. I grabbed 4 wallkie talkies and proceded to the register. Sophie insisted to pay since it was my birthday the checkout lady bagged it up for us and we left. As we looked to our left there was a T.V. set showing a interveiw of Ethan Smith. I personally saw that guy as a douchebag who just uses girls. The way girls swoon for just another person is stupid. Sophie noticed my anger building up so she yelled " Hey Spacey we gots' to go!" I nodded and we ran to the park and waited on Chloe and Zoe. Me and Sophie sat on the bench for about 3 minutes untill two brunette girls came toward us. Chloe and Zoe were both twins Chloe was the Athletic one while  Zoe was more shy and reserved they were both cute girls. They both had grassy green eyes and brown hair. Chloe has short and curly brown hair down to her neck while Zoe has long and wavy brown hair down to the small of her back. They were about the same height as me and Sophie. Both of their hair is naturaly like that. They match every day so  today they were both wearing a yellow and black shirt with hearts over it with a black skirt and black flats. They both have a yellow clip on bow, for Chloe its on the left side of her head and for Zoe its on the right side of her head. All together its me,Sophie,Chloe, and Zoe were all best friends. Chloe and Zoe said at the same time " Hey Kat happy birthday, hey Sophie! In union. ' Sup i said while Sophie said good morning. " Alright " I said standing up i picked the bag of walkie talkies off the ground as I passed them out to everyone " What were playing today is a very simple game I said smiling. '' We will split up into teams and basiclly play a game of tag. A team must find and catch the other team at least 5 times to win the game. The teams will be Chloe and I versus Sophie and Zoe. The walkie talkies are used to radio into each other but you can't leave within 200 feet if you do it beeps and we will all know. If you catch someone from another team hit the fifth button to radio into everyone. To radio into your partner hit your specific number. Chloe me and you are 1 and 2. Sophie and Zoe are 3 and 4. Everyone understands, they all nodded. " Well " I said me and Chloe get a 1 minute head start since its my birthday. READY! SET! GO!        We both ran like the wind as we ran we devisied a plan to split up as Chloe wen't the other way I kept running when I saw a guy come from under a yellow slide muttering to himself. I thought " Oh well " as I said to my self and turned my head. I kept running when my walkie talkie began to beep. " Ahhh bloody hell " I said I wen't the other way and ran straight into a guy but when I looked up it was Ethan Smith.......................    Authors Note: HELLO ALLLLLLLL!!!!! This is my first story please don't judge but I wan't you all or whoever reads this that I will try to upload every 2-3 days if that satisfies yall any way if you continue to read this story it gets really good so keep reading. Comment Vote AND FANNNN!!!!!

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