Chapter 2

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 Ethan's POV

"Damn it" was all  I could say. Before the girl could close her eyes to wince in pain, I stared up into a crystal sea of deep blue eyes. Being face to face with her I was able to notice all of her features. She has long black hair that was straight, beautiful long legs, her skin was pale and smooth, and damn she had nice breast. "Hey" she said, "You need a hand" she said as she stood up. She brushed off her skirt and reached her hand out towards mine. Before I took it I thought to myself, " Aw shit what if she's one of those crazy ass fan girls?" A feeling of nostalgia washed over me that made me take her hand and I asked  her "do you want to go out with me?" I used my trademark smile that girls always fall for. "Hell no" she said in a monotone voice. As soon as she said that the wind blew and I could see up her skirt. "Nice panties" I thought out loud, "oh crap" she heard that! Her hands flew down to her skirt and she yelled "YOU CHAUVINISTIC PIG, I HATE STUPID GUYS LIKE YOU!" The barrage of words hit me so hard that all I could say was "ouch." She glared at me viciously, if looks could kill I would be dead.

"Found you!" yelled a familiar voice.

"Aw fudging monkey nuts!" she began to run again. The blonde started to chase her. 

"Was that Sophie?"


Kat's POV

"Oh stop pouting, just because we won doesn't mean you have to be a sore loser!"  Sophie said.

"Nu-Uh" I muttered, "I would've won but Ethan Smith bumped into me and I fell!" I said in my childlike voice.

"Yeah right" every body said in unison.

When I stopped in front of my house I grabbed the door handle and sighed.

"Ummmm Kat I-I don't want you to stay at your house tonight. Zoe stammered, "Please can you stay with one of us tonight?" Everyone nodded in agreement. I smiled I was so lucky to have friends that cared about me. "I'll be fine you guys you can go home." They sighed and said there goodbyes. I walked into the the front door and immediately heard  "And where the hell have you been!" My foster mother Veronica yelled. Before you start to think that she's concerned about me she's not.

All she cares about is herself, her daughter, and making their names known to the masses. Speaking of the devil I turned my head, out the corner of my eye I say Ayana her demon spawn.

Pain shot through my body as Veronica grabbed me by my hair and slammed my body against the front door. 

Ever since I was young I had a weak body, this would probably hurt more than it should. 

I reused to let tears pour out my eyes so I choked them back. "Look at you" she began, "your so pathetic, no one would ever want you your parents sure as hell didn't!" When she said that it really struck a nerve and tears poured out my eyes. I brought my knees up to my chest and put my hands over my ears. "Now me and my beautiful daughter will go to a formal event hosted by Ethan Smith" she said climbing the stairs. I can still hear her evil cackle. When she was gone I scrambled off of the floor and rushed out the front door. I felt weak and dropped to the ground. My tears stained the cold pavement. I finally got up an ran, ran to the only place I felt safe……………


Ethan's POV 

I was in the back of my limo when I thought "Crap I still have to host this damn event". I groaned internally to myself,"Stop the car" I told the limousine driver. When he stopped I let myself out. I began to run to a special place I've known about since I was seven. I stopped to catch my breath, I was halfway there. I looked down an saw my reflection, I grinned. My short and messy blonde hair was perfect, I had a slight tan, deep blue eyes with specks of hazel in them. My body was toned and I had the six-pack of a Greek God. I frowned when I thought about that girl from earlier on. "Maybe she's a lesbian" I thought to myself. Yeah that was probably it. When you see Ethan Smith you don't say "OH MY GOD HE'S SO HOT!" I thought in my girly voice. I began to run again when a few bushes and trees were in my way once you make it pass them there's a hill that looks over the whole town. When I arrived there the same girl from earlier was there crying. I immediately became furious "who the hell would make her cry"? When I got closer she was chanting over and over again "I don't believe it". "I don't believe it". I approached her but she didn't notice me. I took my finger and lifted it under her chin. When she looked back up at me her eyes were red and puffy. She was still crying when she snatched away from me. She was slumped against a tree but she tried to stand up. 

"What's the matter?" She didn't reply, but she glared at me. I didn't know why but I pulled her into my chest and I let her cry. She cried hysterically for another ten minutes then stopped. "What do you want" from me she asked against my chest. 

"Well how about your name first".

She sighed "It's Kathleen". I thought about that name for a minute "Is it okay if I call you Kat"? She raised a eyebrow quizzically and backed up. "Who said we were ever going to meet again"? I laughed "Well cutie" I walked closer to her smiling. I'm hosting a small event tonight I would love it if you came. "No" she said bluntly. 

"It's the least you can do, I did let you cry into my chest for ten minutes. She sighed "Fine I'll go"! "Great, what's your address"? After she told me I said I would send a limousine to come and get her. "This will be a perfect night".

All right that's enough for today why do you all think Ethan knows who Sophie is? And where are Kathleen's parents? I might and might not reveal it next chapter goodbye!

P.S. be happy I typed this all from my phone!




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