18: An Injury, a Possible Rescue, and a Kiss

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Stranded Chapter 18

Niall's P.O.V:

We sat along the shore where the waves came and washed over us. The three of us were in silence, enjoying the idyllic sound of the island- the wind blowing, the sand rolling in the calm waters, and the seagulls squawking and flying around.

"Can it be like this everyday?" Rose asked. "It's so relaxing and quiet. I'm actually getting a tan, I think." Cameron and I looked over at her. She played with the wet sand in the waters. She noticed us staring and looked over at us. She raised an eyebrow at me before laying back down. "What?" she asked. "You're wearing jeans," Cameron said. She looked down before she started to giggle. "So?" She placed on her glasses and rested her head. I sighed and lain back on my back. The waters crept up and soaked my dirty hair. I looked up at the cloudless sky and looked at every detail of the blue sky.

"Hey! You guys," Rose said. "Yes?" Cameron and I questioned. "We have been stuck here for a few weeks now. Why don't we try getting off the island? Maybe we can build some kind of boat or make a huge X on the sand to signal those around," Rose said. Cameron and I sat up along with Rose. "I like being here but I'm getting sick of it. I miss home," she confessed. "We could always try making a boat but I doubt anyone is looking for us," Cameron said. "We can still make the signal," I said. "But where do we even begin to make a boat?" "We don't have to actually build a boat. We could build some floating device to hold us up," Rose said.

"Anything would do at the moment. If I could I would swim, but I don't know what ocean this is and what's in it," she said. "Sharks, fish, turtles, coral, reefs, jellyfishes, eels-" "Okay! We get it Cameron." Rose laughed. "It's about time we do something. We need to try and get off this island. The island is driving me crazy," I said. "Should we start to gather some wood and what ever we can find to wrap them together?" Cameron asked.

I jumped up and ran away. "I'm already on it!" I hollered over my shoulder. "Get going on the X." I heard them shout an 'okay' behind me as I made my way through the jungle. When I was far in, I slowly came to a stop and walked. Now. . . Where do I go? I walked through some bushes and around sharp objects. I continued to walk until I tripped over a long, thick vine that laid on the ground.

I pulled myself up to my feet. A grimace formed across my lips as I bent down and tried pulling the vine out of the ground to move it. I wrapped my large hands around the green vine and pulled with all my might. The veins in my hands popped out and my muscles flexed from the amount of strength I was pulling. I heard a big crack and a tear. The next thing I knew was that I was on the ground.

Pain bolted through my left arm and I felt warm liquid drip down my forearm. I held in my screams. I did not want the others to worry. My arm scraped and split open on a sharp, pointed rock. I bit my lip to help the pain; to take my mind off of it. I slowly stood up, wincing every second. I rolled my shoulders back and picked up the vine. Making sure I'm careful with my left arm. I wrapped the vine around my neck and continued to walk back towards the camp site.

The hot liquid oozed out of the large cut. I looked down to scrutinize my arm, and only to see a trail of blood dripping off of my fingertips and leaving a small, dark trail along the fallen forest green and leaves. My eyes widen and I began to panic. My arm was turning black and blue. The muscles distended. There was a huge cut going down my forearm. My head began to ache from the blood loss. The fallen blood seemed endless. I tore the end of my shirt and wrapped it around my arm to stop the blood. The blood soaked through the fabric and turned it in a dark shade of carmine red. I sighed as I lowered my arm carefully. I continued to walk until I saw the camp site.

I emerged from the trees and walked towards the little hut. I swung open the door and frantically searched for a first aid kit. I found it under one of the three hammocks- the ones we built by hand. I pulled the ruby red box out and placed it on a small piece of wood. I opened the box to find loads of band aids, wraps, bactine, splints, medication, cotton, tweezers, scissors, peroxide, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, gauze, and some adhesive tape. This was something I didn't think we would need, but of course I was wrong. I slowly unwrapped my shirt from my arm; I was wincing every so often.

My arm revealed being almost black, it was continued to swell, blood was leaking out, a huge cut down my arm, and some pale skin was ripped off. Luckily, I did not hit an artery. The scene was not too horrid and gruesome. I put on a glove and grabbed the closes clean rag next to me. I took a deep breath before I place it on my arm and applied pressure to stop the bleeding.

I screamed out in pain as the tears fell and slowly trailed down my rosy red cheeks. The pain was excruciating- it burned. The door swung open to reveal a worried looking Rose and Cameron. "What's going on?" Rose asked. I shook my head and looked back at my arm. I took fast, heavy breaths as I tried to think of something else besides the pain. My arm must have been broken from landing on it wrong because it swelled.

"Niall," Cameron said. I ignored him as I tried to focus. I wiped my eyes with my shoulder and took the towel off. The blood seemed to have stop. The blood dried around the gash. "What- Oh my! Niall, what happened?" Rose yelled. "I'm fine. I only fell. That's all," I said. "You didn't just fall. What happened?" Cameron asked. "I fell as I was trying to grab a vine to use for a raft or the boat or whatever," I said. "Is there any clean water? Not salt?" I asked. Rose ran out and came back in a minute later with the bamboo filled water.

She hand it over for me to take. I gave her a small nod as I bit on a cloth. I barely poured water on the wound and I'm already screaming out in pain. Cameron rushed over, looking worried. "Man up," Rose said. I let out a shaking breath and dumped the water on my cut. I closed my eyes as I bit hard onto the cloth. Cameron washed his hands with some other water and scrubbed gently on the cut. I let out a sigh of relief. "I am glad that's over with," I said. He dried and cleaned around the area, making sure to be careful on the wound. I flinched every time he touched my arm.

Cameron placed two splints on the sides of my arm and taped them together around my forearm. Rose closed her eyes and left the hut. She couldn't bare to see the massive cut or my arm. Then, Cameron grabbed the bandage and began to wrap my arm in it. After he finished wrapping it he taped it. I let out a long breath of air that I was holding. "Thank you," I whispered. He gave me a small nod. We walked out of the hut to see Rose was pacing back and forth.

"Is it done?" she asked. "Yeah," I said, chuckling. She stopped pacing and sighed in relief. "Now, I have to finish finding some wood," I said. "Are you sure? You broke your arm," Cameron said. "Or did something bloody awful to it." "I'll be fine," I said and shrugged, not believing myself.

"Please be careful," Rose pleaded. I gave her a smile and nodded. "I will," I promised. I waved and walked back into the trees.


I emerged from the other side of the trees of the island. "Two hours later and I found only three big logs," I muttered to myself. I walked along the shoreline until I heard a loud horn blow off towards the distance, causing me to drop the fifteen foot log. My head shot up as I frantically searched around the area. I could not be hearing things. I finally spot a huge ship far off into the distance that was passing the area.

I did not hesitant or waste my time. And so I began screaming my lungs out and waving my right arm in the air. "Over here!" I screamed. I jumped up and down but only heard a horn blow and the ship turn the opposite direction. "No," I gasp. "No no no. Come back!" I yelled. I started running back towards the camp site, leaving behind the logs. "Hurry!" I yelled. "Cameron! Rose!" I started screaming.

The familiar hut came into view. Cameron and Rose were sitting on a rock and wrapping the vine around the logs. "You guys! You're not going to believe-" I stopped yelling as I took in a sharp breath. I fell to the ground and landed on my knees. Rose laughed at a joke Cameron had said which caused him to laugh.

Everything happened so slow that the next thing I knew was Rose had kissed Cameron.

A/n: Hello everyone! How are you?? Sorry for the late update. I've been busy lately with school and such. Rose's outfit is on polyvore so check that out! Remember to stay tune for a new update!

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