1: Crash Landing

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Stranded Chapter 1

Rose's P.O.V:

~During the Vacation~

"Don't lie!" I screamed out with a cry. "You were totally checking her out, Niall." I was yelling at the top of my lungs. Slowly but surely I felt my heart being ripped apart in half from heartbreak. "Rose, I was not! Why can't you see I wasn't!" he yelled back. "You're the only girl I have set my eyes on!" Here we stood, in our hotel suite, yelling at the top of our lungs. This was not how I planned our vacation to go. He pulled at his hair in frustration and turned around, his back was facing me.

"Niall, you knew what you were doing and you were checking her out right in front of me. Am I not good enough for you? Gosh. . . you act like you're a stuck up jerk thinking he can get every girl he sees!" I shouted. He spun around on his heels with hate evident in his eyes. His face was bright red and a vein was popping out at the side of his neck as he screamed out: "Is that how you think of me? Do you think I'm a stuck up man who thinks he can get every girl!? I believe so because you said so yourself!" I crossed my arms across my chest and rolled my eyes.

"I guess you really do not know me that well," he said, scoffing in disgust. "I can't even look at you right now." "I know you better than anyone Niall," I said. I broke down into loud sobs that filled the room. "Stop being such a brat and look at the facts in front of you. You don't trust me! I sometimes wish you never knew who I was so I wouldn't have to go through this every day! I sometimes wish we never met!" he shouted. My lip quivered as tears threaten to spill out.

"Is that so?" I gasped. He nodded and clenched his fist to his sides. His knuckles were turning white from the loss of blood flow in his hands. "You are too jealous and clingy when it comes down to all the stupid little things. If you never knew who I was then we wouldn't be going through this and most importantly we wouldn't be in a relationship and I can look at all the girls I want!" he roared with anger. "If you want that so badly then go ahead!" I yelled, "wish granted." I ran away and to the bedroom door and I opened it, then slammed it close behind me.

I lain down on the soft bed and cried my eyes out. You can hold your tears and heartbreak in for so long until you break down. I cried and cried until I couldn't anymore, and soon I fell asleep.


The next morning, I woke up to everything packed and out of the room. My clothes were gone along with my hair and make up products. Niall's belongings were packed as well. Memories of last night came rushing back. It was as if the events of last night were recorded and being played again, but in my mind. I sighed (knowing I had to get up) and rolled out of bed.

I put on a pair of jeans that roll up at the bottoms and pulled over a white tank top and my denim jacket but left it unbutton. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and tied a bandana around my head before I grabbed my charged phone and put it in my back pocket. I walked out of the bedroom quietly to see all our belongings were packed and set by the front door.

I smelt food cooking in the kitchen, so I wandered around the corner to see Niall cooking breakfast. He still seemed tense from last night. "Hey," I whispered, softly. He looked over at me and mumbled a soft 'hey' before continuing to cook. I sighed and sat down at the table. He turned off the stove and put the eggs and bacon on two plates. "Here's breakfast," he said and slid over my plate. I picked up my fork and mumbled a 'thanks' before eating.

"After we finish eating we will be leaving. I already rescheduled a plane and booked us out of the hotel," he said. "Without talking to me?" I asked, clearly upset about all of this. "Why should I talk to you about it? You wouldn't believe me if I told you," he sarcastically said and gave me a fake smile before tossing his unfinished food into the trash can. I nodded and tossed my plate in the trash.

"Let's get going," I mumbled. I grabbed my two luggages and walked out of the door, leaving Niall behind. I walked down to the elevator and pushed the down button. Niall walked out of the hotel room and closed the door behind him. He walked down the hall and stood next to me and patiently waited for the elevator. Soon, the doors opened and we walked in. He pushed the first floor and the doors closed.

The ride down was awfully quiet and awkward. Neither one of us spoke a word. It was never like this in an argument but something snapped inside both of us. Once the elevator came to a slow stop, it dinged and the doors opened. We walked out into the crowded lobby that was filled with tourist.

Niall went to go return the key as I walked outside into the fresh, open air. I whistled for a taxi and one pulled up, eventually. Niall walked out and placed his luggage in the back. "Here, let me help," he finally spoke up through the awkward silence. I was beyond mad at him now. "I can do it myself," I snapped. I placed my luggage in the back and sat in. He rolled his eyes and sat in on the other side.

"To the airport," Niall spoke. "Okay. We will hopefully be there soon," the driver said. During the long car ride, I stayed silent. The driver and Niall spoke the whole way about the city and its wonderful beaches. "Alright. . ." the driver began, "we are here." "Thank you," Niall said and handed him money. "You can keep the change." We stepped out and grabbed our stuff from the back. We waved good-bye and walked inside the automatic doors that led inside the airport.

We walked to baggage claim and placed our suitcases on the black belt. We walked in silence as we made our way to security. We waited in long line until it was our turn to walk under the metal detectors. It went by slow and I was becoming more aggravated by the second. I handed the security guard my phone and walked under. He gave me my phone back and I waited to the side. Niall walked under and was given his phone back. We walked down to the boarding gate and to a young lady who was now accepting the tickets. Niall handed her our boarding tickets. "Have a good flight," she said. I nodded and walked ahead.

This must be the most awkward situation I ever been in with someone. Usually, I would be on my own but since I am in an unknown country with my boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, I had to get back home which was in London. London was about two-thousand miles away from here and I was not too thrilled that I will have to be traveling in an airplane with the person I hated the most, at the moment.

We walked to the second row and sat down on the right side. Niall sat down next to me as I sat by the window. "I'm going to bed," I said through the silence. He ignored me and put in his headphones. I sighed. "Whatever happened to never hurting me?" I mumbled before falling asleep.


I awaken to a bunch of chaos and loud screaming. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around to see red lights flashing and everyone standing up and running around like a maniac. People were screaming and shouting incoherent words. The flight attendants were trying to calm everyone but nothing was working. It was freaking me out and the worse thing was that the plane was bouncing up and down.

Niall was asleep next to me and all I wanted was to cuddle with him and for him to protect me. I shook Niall awake but all he did was groan in response. I shook him again but harder and eventually he woke up and sat up. "Niall what's going on?" I asked. "I just woke up. How would I know?" he spat as he rubbed his half closed eyes. I slouched and ignored him.

"Everyone! Please do not panic. Just sit down and take in the oxygen mask," the lady said over the intercom. She was trying to stay calm but you can tell she was scared, though. The ceiling above us opened up and oxygen masks dropped down on a cord.

I looked at Niall with fear and took the mask on. He had worry in his eyes but his face showed no emotion. I took his hand in mine and he had let me. His gesture made me relax but it instantly was removed when I felt the plane tilt forward and go down. I felt my body falling and hitting the seat in front of me, which caused me to let go of Niall's hand. The plane spun and I was tossed to the side and I hit the side window. I looked out to see the wing was missing and was kindled. We were coming closer to land and I knew we were going to crash with a hard impact.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I was tossed onto the ground. Then, had hit the roof of the plane when it spun. My head slammed against the ceiling and I felt a warm liquid trail down the side of my head.

"Rose!" Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

A/n: Here is chapter 1! I am currently writing three stories now so I will try to update them including this one! Rose's outfit is on my polyvore which is itskennedy112233 so check it out! Next chapter will be up soon! Vote? Comment?

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