14: Swims, Bonds, and Good of Friends

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Stranded Chapter 14

Rose's P.O.V:

Niall, Niall, and Niall. He was on my mind, and I was worried for him. I sat on the edge of the cliff Niall and I had sat on and came to an agreement. My legs were pulled up to my chest and my head rested in my lap as I looked out at the ocean in silence. The sun was setting and it was coming close to becoming dark. Niall has been missing for three hours now. Cameron and I were desperate to go look for him, but we stayed put. He had left me alone to think. He knew I needed the space.

My hair was blowing in the wind. My usual cute hairstyle was now knotted and greasy. All I wanted to do was shower and feel clean. I wanted Niall here. And I wanted to go home. But life has different plans than I do.

The sound of someone sitting on the floor besides me had caused me to listen to them. "No luck?" I asked, not even bothering to look up at the person. A sigh escaped their lips. "No," Cameron said, shaking his head. I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry," he said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "It's not your fault," I said. "I tried to help him but he didn't grasp my hand," he explained. "I know," I said. "I saw everything." "I hope he is okay. . ." "He is a tough guy. I'm sure he is doing fine." He gave me a sympathetic and assuring smile.

"You're right. I shouldn't worry too much," I said. "Niall is a tough blonde Irishman!" Cameron exclaimed and chuckled, causing me to smile. "There's that smile!" I laughed and said, "I really need to smile now.. Thank you for that." "How about we go get our mind off of things and go for a late swim?" he asked. "Right now?" I asked. "Yeah right now," he said. "But it's cold," I hesitated. "So?" I thought about it for a moment before I smiled and nodded. "Sure. What do I have to lose?" "We are going to jump," he said. "Wait! Off of the cliff?" I asked. "Of course silly. Why not?" he asked.

"It's not dangerous. . . is it?" I asked, not knowing what is safe or not safe. "No," he said, shrugging. I let out of breath of air I was holding in. "Who am I kidding? It's dangerous," he said. "It's time to live life! Live in the moment." He entwined our hands and pulled the two of us up. "No! Cameron!" I screamed. He ignored me and jumped off the cliff, and pulling me with him. I let out a scream in midair and a yelp as we plunged down into the waters.

The water surrounded around me. I felt the tiny bubbles form and pop around me. I opened my eyes in the salt water to see I was alive. I touched my cheeks and arms to make sure and I was. My eyes only last a few seconds before they began to burn. I wanted to scream in agony and pain. My eyes squeezed shut, and I swam up to the surface. I emerged the water, taking a gasp for air. I breathed heavily as Cameron was laughing. "My eyes!" I screamed, rubbing my eyes until they no longer hurt. "You could have killed us," I said, giggling.

I splashed him with two arms. "Hey now! At least we survived," he said. "We were lucky," I said. "Nah more like beginners luck," he teased. "Same thing," I retorted, sticking my tongue at him. "You're so childish," he said, laughing before he swam towards me. He sent me a charming smirk before going under water. I looked below me. And before I knew it, I felt myself be lifted up and thrown into the air.

I screamed and hit the water with a loud splash. I gulped in some air and held my breath. The bubbles disappeared from around me as I swam away. I swam under water towards the movement of Cameron's feet and I pulled him down, surprising him. Our eyes stayed closed from the salt water burning our eyes. With a few more shoving and splashing underwater, we swam up to the surface so I wouldn't lose my oxygen.

I came from under the water, both Cameron and I laughing. "Touché," he said. I smirked and said, "You had it coming." I shrugged and swam around to his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kicked his feet to hold both of us in water. My weight added to his own weight was weighing him down but he managed to hold him and me up.

"Now swim to shore," I said and I pointed to the land. "Like this? Are you crazy?" he asked. "Maybe," I admit, teasingly. He sighed and nodded and he began to swim with me on his back. "This is going to take awhile," he complained. "You tell me." I shook my head solemnly. "Says the one who is on my back!" he protested. "My bad," I said and helped by kicking my legs. "Much better," he said, releasing a puff of air. "Don't complain and keep moving forward," I said. "Like that will help," he scoffed but smiled.

I smacked the side of his head and he yelped in pain. "What was the for?" He pouted, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "For you complaining," I said. "Quit moaning and complaining. "Well then," he scoffed. "Suck it up. We are almost there," I said. We continued to swim, mostly him swimming and me holding onto him. The swim to shore took about ten minutes. "And. . . Here!" he said as he stood up and walked. He still continued to carry me up the sand until we reached our little camp site. He stopped walking, out of breath, and dropped me down to the tiny rocks- sand. I jumped down from his back, clapped my hand together, and smiled.

"That was fun," I said. "That was only for you," he breathed, he tried to catch his breath. I laughed out loud making him smile. "You know. . . you're a really cool person, Cameron," I confessed. "You are too, Rose. I have a feeling we are going to be good of friends," he said and he nudged my shoulder. "Yeah, definitely! We will." I playfully punched his broad shoulders.

As we continued to joke around, we have not noticed that off to the distant, a familiar blonde hair boy was watching from afar.

A/n: Sorry if its a bit short. I am still trying to work on the long chapter but I promise they will be coming soon! The story will get better I promise<3

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