War part 2

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Powerful knocking on the door woke Karlie up from already light sleep.

"Come in!" She sat on the bed, rubbing her groggy eyes. On the other side of the room appeared well-known Jourdan's silhouette. On aide's face was painted insecurity and worry.

"Sorry for interrupting, but they called from general Wiles' office. He wants to see you as soon as possible."

Ignoring direct phrase, Karlie lifted her head up and nodded. Instead of leaving, Jourdan closed the door, approaching her. Karlie glanced at her with an amusement.

"Did he say anything else?"

"No. And this makes me worry."

"Unnecessarily." Karlie stood up and wore her jacket which was thrown messily on the chair. As soon as she had come back from the meeting with Taylor, she had fallen flat on the bed, counting on some sleep before another hard day. She found her shoes under the wall and a moment later she was ready for office call.

General had never called her in without any important reason. Frankly saying, they didn't like each other and being in the same room was quite a challenge for both of them. Wiles was hanging onto statement that men were much better soldiers and women which were intended for sitting in the house and making their brave husbands happy. His childish behaviour amused her, more and more, knowing that he didn't have a wife and he was changing his lovers like underwear. After all, he was in the prime of his life with one of the highest rank — the best material for a young, shy girl from the hospital wing who was turning red at the very thought of this flirting thing.

"The coffee is standing on my desk. You don't have to thank me," Jourdan gazed at her friend who was going through some files in distraction.

Women in the army weren't too many. Mainly nurses, less often spies and came across female officer was really something. That's why Karlie and Jourdan had been sticking together since their first meeting.

"I could really die without you," Karlie was glaring at the pile of sheets with resignation. She wouldn't find what she needed, anyway. She flickered her hand and approached the door. There she turned around saying: "Prepare my equipment already. I may lead today from the field."


"Kloss, finally!" The general lifted his head from the map. Around him were also a few other officers who were currently in town. Not knowing why Great Chief ordered to bring respective units to the capital. She had a bad feeling.

Wiles was tall, handsome man, right in his early thirties with harsh look on his face. Sometimes she was seeing him standing behind the window, observing the barrack square with a cigar in his mouth and a glass of Scottish whiskey which he often like draining. He was a decade older than her, but she thought that instead of gaining some common sense, he was behaving more and more like a child left in the big sandbox. She had known him since the beginning of her adventure in the army and she knew he had been having his genius moments, but they were coming progressively rarely.

"Come here," he ordered. Karlie came closer to the group of men, bent over the table. Somewhere on the map was standing blue and red figures, symbolizing units.

"We got the message that insurgents want to attack us from the north. They are going to hit with majority of their forces, that's why, we'll welcome them with open arms." Karlie was pretending to be curious, gazing at the map. All those information were known to her, so this achievement didn't make an great impression. She didn't pay much attention to future tactic, the way Wiles had gotten that information was definitely more interesting. Had he finally let his spy in between the rebels? If the answer was yes, it arose a problem to solve immediately. Taylor would rather not to send her people to certain death. "Mayer and Blasberg's groups will be waiting for them right here," he pointed on some blocks, standing next to each other. "Malik's soldiers are going to help them from the flanks. Kloss, you and your bunch of losers will confront and meet them halfway to slow down the attack...

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