Au Revoir

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A/N Happy New Year!

The weather that day wasn't beautiful enough. To say the truth, it wasn't beautiful at all. The sun hidden behind the army of snow-white clouds, only sometimes was breaking through them to give apparent feeling of hope. Delicate, warm blasts of wind have been blowing her perfectly done blonde hair, when she was standing at the ledge of massive cliff. Waves upon her feet crashed against the wall, scattering on small drops in the company of white foam, every time she looked down. She spread her arms widely, taking a deep breath of oceanic air. She felt power. She felt strength. She felt invincible. But she was empty.

Taylor hadn't been so lonely any time before. Despite all the friends and people around her, she felt loneliness more than when she was alone between four walls of her room. The presence of so many, very often unknown faces, intensify absence of that one singer really wanted to see. The one she was seeking in every crowd every fifteen seconds, no matter how many times before she had tried.

Swift lifted her half-closed eyelids to see dark blue vastness, dragging on far away behind the horizon. Full of wrinkles under the figure of small waves, being basics for destructive power, but so perfectly imperfect, harmonized with the rest of surrounding picture. Just like her soul. Marked with many failures, lost hopes and hurt feelings, but filled with peace and quiet, which could turn into the fuel for the deep hidden pain during a few seconds. They were unpredictable.

Hard scent from nearby forest quickly became her favourite one. Distinct, unique, so different that the air in New York or Nashville. She was different, too. Always happy, with a big smile plastered on her pretty face and shining eyes. Eyes with the colour of forest green - shade she liked the most. Discovered her was like plunge into unfamiliar wilderness. Anyone could, but not anyone wanted to. She had taken that risk and had found safety harbour with one troubled soul, she had decided to heal.

The roar of waves lullabied her every evening or letting her thoughts floating into her mind during days and sleepless nights. She could just imagine her perfect future with then the love of her life by her side or consider possible solutions. Nothing lasts forever and she knew that good life they had led, had to come to the end.

The game was over. She had played it wrong, but it was too late to do anything. She looked down one more time. Waves invited her into their cold embraces. She could be free, one step was enough. Strong wind was tearing her too loose shirt and was cause of goose bumps, appeared on her skin. Once again she relish the fresh air. Just one move. She closed eyes and bent over the chasm.

The rays of sunshine came into the large room, lighten its considerable part. She was sitting in the shadow, her long legs was laying on top of the desk. Her high-raised chin rested on her hand, blue eyes were slowly scanning the room. Where were all this wonderful moments they had shared a long time ago? All "I love you" and "I need you"? Now, they were only insignificant words, causing pain and bringing her closer to purification. She cured herself from that love. Maybe the most important and also completely unnecessary with all its suffer. The strongest of them all.

On the beginning they had been happy together, but time had divided them too much. After every storm, sun comes up, although not that one. They weren't the same people. Both of them had grown up and in the place of love had appeared killing routine and looking for common blank space in busy schedules. They had been fighting more often than seeing each other. It felt like she has been sharing the bed with a stranger not her girlfriend. It had slipped out of their hands. Then, it had come time when they had crossed the line and once opened wounds didn't want to heal.

The box on her crossed legs was registration of their time together. Photographs were the only things left after their greatness dominance over the world. Even memories weren't so precision and credible. Not anymore. However, she still felt this special spark inside her, when she looked at these photos. A vacation on the Caribbean, a secret visit and walk around dark Paris, a holiday with their families, fourth of July with friends, an annual road trip down the Big Sur and many, many more. They always needed something more, something better and bigger than ordinary. Something unforgettable.

It was their curse. The consciousness of infallible separation only heightened indifference. It hadn't been any sense to rescue something, which hadn't been existence. There hadn't been any big fight, desperate requests, words: "We can already fix it." "They" had ended, it was only her and Karlie, again. Something's changed. And it was nobody's fault than both of them.

She stood up, putting the box back on its place. There was nothing left to do. Her feet led her around the house one more time. She kept hearing waves crashing and silent panting in her head. A smile sneaked onto her lips. Every place here recalled memory of times when everything was fresh and seemed careless. She allowed her fingers to trace against cold, hard table. On the middle of it lay a chessboard. She squatted down, lying her arms on table's top. She stared at it for a minute and then moved a white tower. Checkmate.

The weather outside were better than earlier. The sun came up, making that plants around her lighted up with freask of colours. She squinted her eyes. It was high time to let go. Taylor hid the photo inside back pocket of white jeans. Coming down through the staircase, she sighed and put sunglasses on. Her car was waiting for her, where she left it. She got in and started the engine. Quiet purring filled the air. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

'You make me to wait for you too long.'

She knew that quick kiss on the cheek wasn't everything what she would receive today. Hand slipped on her arm, nails slightly digging in her skin. Second hand rested on her leg. For sure, something between them has changed, but now it didn't matter anymore.

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