One wish

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Pointer on the clock moved lazy, now showing half past one. New York City - one of those town, which never goes to sleep. Horns of taxi, fire alarms... As everywhere there were a bunch of people who didn't have intention to sleep tonight. Taylor was staring at white celling, again wondering if she for sure did right.

Some time ago she came to conclusion. If she hadn't make tonight's dinner, everything would've stayed clear. But this state of affairs really annoyed her. She wasn't able to live in that way. She had to finally face up to her fears. Who won't take the risk, it will never win.

As always, everything started quite innocent. Another performance, which had to raise pillars of the popularity and recognisability around the world. One stare was enough to know that she got lost. She saw her face stuck in a crowd on the backstage. She danced to one of her songs, didn't care about playful looks threw by others. With closed eyes she got carried away by music. Taylor smiled under her nose and continued show.

She looked into the rear-view mirror for the last time. Karlie was sleeping with head leaned against the door and bent legs. She came back to observing the road. They were on the trip for nearly four hours. During that time the moon showed up at the dark sky. She turned into a small lane. She has already driven for a little, before she stopped in the middle of, well..., nowhere. She shut the motor and the lights down, leaving only quiet played radio.

'Karlie...' She shake girl's arm lightly.

'Tay? What's happened? Are we on the spot?' The model sat straight, rubbing her eyes.

'Yes. Get up, I want to show you something.'

'Thanks. For taking me here.' Karlie squeezed a little her friend's hand, smiling.

'Triffle' She mumbled. 'Look! Another one!' She pointed at the falling star.

'Did you make your wish?'

'I think I already used my limit.'

'You are saying that from the beginning.' Taller girl noticed.

'You know, it's not that hard to see shooting star during meteor shower.'

Both girls bursted out loud laugh. At this moment she was fine. Far away from noisy city, unknown faces and crowds full of paparazzi, shouting her name.

'But you could make one wish.' Karlie didn't give up.

'And this one I made'

'Yes? What was it?'

'If I say you, it won't come true'.

'I promise that I'll do everything to make it happen. You have my word.'

At this moment on her car's mask in this warm, August night with Karlie by her side, for the first time she believed that everything will be alright.

'And still I won't tell you. There won't be a surprise.'

'As your wish.' She chuckled with dissatisfaction, came back to looking at the sky. Taylor had fun when she gazed at childlish behave of her friend.

'When it come true, you will find out first.'

'In that case... I'll wait.'

Her phone screen lighted up in the darkness. Taylor looked at night stand by her bed. After a while she took her phone and read the message. She didn't believe her own eyes. She slowly read short text two more times. Then, she got up quickly and ran out of the room. This can't be true!

In the hall she slowed down, tiptoed to the door and took the handle. She already knew who is standing on the other side of the door, but she was too scared to open it. She was so fucking scared. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this. If anyone would be. But she got herself act together and pushed the handle.

'I want to talk with you.'

This kind of beginnings never herald something good, but she didn't know how to start. Majority of people believed she was mistress of talking, always knew how to put her thoughts into words. Nevertheless there were moments, when she had no idea what to say. And this was one of them.

Karlie looked at her with mixture of curiosity and worry in her eyes. Fuck! With every one second was harder and harder.

'I think... For a long time there is something wrong with me. Recently I've understood, or rather make sure, that... I think... Please, don't judge me. I think I'm in love with you.' Taylor said quickly.


The view of crying Karlie against her door was the last one she was expected. Yes, a while ago she got the message from the model that she is standing in front of her apartment, but she had no idea that her friend is in that state.

'Hey.' Quiet whisper came out of Karlie's mouth.

'Hey.' She answered in the same tone.

'Can I come in?' She asked, sniffling her nose.

'Yeah.' She stepped aside, making place in the hall. They went to the living room. So much things were happened here.

'Taylor, firstly, I want to apologize you. I reacted too nervously and I got at you unnecessary. I'm sorry.

She didn't say a word. She only nodded to accept apologise and at the same time to encourage Karlie to continue. There was an awkward silence for a moment. Blue eyes were closely watching her friend, noticed every move on the girl's face.

'Secondly, I think there is something you should know.'

Great! It always means problems. Is it the end of their friendship? Of course, she thought about that option earlier, but then it was definitely less terrifying. Her heart nearly skipped a beat.

'I didn't realise it, but I think I'm in love with you, too.


'Is there any chance... you know, to try?

Taylor approach her slowly, still disbelieving what is just taking place. She wiped traces of tears on her friend's face with thumb. She smiled, looking into this beautiful, green eyes, which were appearing in her dreams nearly every night. They said that eyes are soul's mirror. So, what were the meaning of small, shiny points so similar to the stars, which they saw together one time. She cupped her face in hands and climbed at her toes to give model a delicate kiss. She felt a comfortable warm, spreading across her body and fucking butterflies in stomach.

She pushed her head back to look into Karlie's eyes and this time see her own reflection. She moved her hands little down and wrap them around girl's neck.

'Be mine for one night.' She whispered. As an answer she got surprised look. 'My wish. That night... Be mine, at least for one night.'

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