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A/N This idea hit me during reading great fanfic called "Kaylor: Love and War" by thestoryofkaylor. If you didn't read it, go and do it, but firstly let me take you with me for a minute. =) Enjoy!

„I have to go," she said, still staring into endless ocean in front of her. Happiness in blue eyes faded and started disappearing as soon as it had showed up. Their time came to end, they both knew it, but neither of them felt like going away. Not yet.

"You have to..." Although they were whispering, their voices seemed to ringing in their ears. The silence around them was as far as overly treacherous.

Karlie lifted up her hand and delicately, only its fingertips, was drawing patterns on the face, she saw in every crowd of sentenced to death. Fortunately, it was hallucination, freezing blood in veins, but only hallucination. Every day, through her hands was spilled litres of innocent people's blood, less often rebels'. If it were up to her, she would stop all this savage process. But it was a war and she was only a soldier which had to following orders.

Karlie cupped her face and with a thumb outline lip's contour. She loved when she was wearing her red lipstick. If she had her now, Karlie was more than sure, that her body would be covered by smears in the same colour. Unfortunately, finding such an exclusive thing nowadays bordered on a miracle, even for her.

Taylor smiled, feeling warm breath near her lips. She has never had enough. The girl... No, the woman in front of her was like the best drug. Taylor didn't manage to resist her charm, they had known each other for too long. Their paths had crossed for the first time yet back in the school. They hadn't needed too much time to find common thread of communication. Not so long after that fate had decided to thumb its nose at them. In the country started happening bad and dark things and their ways drifted away faster than they had met. Now was different.

The colonel of dictatorship's army and the leader of insurgents.

Impossible lover.

It sounds like a poor joke.

The price was high, but they had decided to take a risk. The deal was simple. Meeting once a week, scruffy tenement house, abandoned long time ago. Karlie was getting what she needed, helping rebels, keeping in camps in return. Of course if only she could.

But as time flew something's changed. It wasn't just cold calculation profits and losses. They stopped doing this for others and started for themselves. Both started to care about the feeling which had been born between them all of sudden, against any common sense. But aren't a heart and a mind two organs independent of oneself when it comes to love? Isn't it because we are willing to sacrifice everything for a short moment full of sensitivity? Commitment? False understanding?

They needed this more than it seemed. When bullets are all around you and anything you can hear is their zip, ripping the air near your ear, your thoughts are running to your love one. You don't want to be here, but you're also not a coward, to hide in the back. As a commander you must give an example and you go to die as first. They didn't have to distract themselves. Unfortunately for them, it was enough just to lift head up and look at the other side of barricade.

In spite of appearances, in a pale moonlight everything seemed to be careless and less scary. Taylor kissed back and pulled Karlie closer. One hand got tangled up in gold tress and the other one was lost along her spine. This last time, before they went away for good.

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