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the girl had never been so anxious in her entire life, she sat there with her tea in front of her, but it hasn't been touched yet. she was waiting for christian so she could start. that's what christian would do when he waits for her, he doesn't drink until she's sat across from him.

her knee is shaking up and down and her eyes are trained on the front door, her eyes are filled with worry as he has never been this late before. she faces forward, staring at her tea with sad eyes, just waiting.

bexly, their waitress, sees opal sitting alone, not even touching her drink, so she waltz over to the booth and slides in the seat where christian normally sat.

opal's eyes immediately shoot up just in case it was christian, but is slightly disappointed to see the friendly worker, unfortunately. she smiles politely anyways.

"where's coffee boy?" bexly asks, confused.

opal shrugs. "late i'm guessing."

the young waitress sighs, resting her head on her hand, staring at the small girl. "are you both okay?" she asks.

opal smiles, but bexly knew better than to believe a fake smile. she didn't ask, though. she would have told her if she wanted to, but for now, bexly wanted to keep her company.

"well, i might as well wait for him with you." the waitress takes off her apron and folds it on her lap.

"what about work?" opal asks, looking around.

"i'm on lunch break, i normally go somewhere else for lunch but sitting with you seems much better." she answers.

opal nods and stares at her cup.

"why won't you drink it?" asks the waitress.

"he always waits for me, so i might as well wait too."

bexly nods, furrowing her eyebrows. she doesn't want to pry, but she wants to know whats bugging opal so much. maybe it is the fact that christian isn't here, but then again, even when bexly talks to opal without christian, she doesn't act this distant.

"are you sure everything is alright? you can tell me, i'm good at keeping secrets. actually, thats a lie. but you can pretend i'm your big sister or something." bexly rambles, making opal giggle.

"well... we sort of had a fight. no wait, we didn't fight, it was nowhere near a fight. it was... miscommunication i guess." opal tells her.

"does he like you?" bexly questions, raising an eyebrow.

opal smiles, hiding her face in her sleeves. bexly took that as a yes.

"do you like him?" she asks.

opal doesn't remove red face from her sleeve, and once again, bexly takes that as a yes also.

"thats so cute! oh my gosh, i knew you guys would end up dating sooner or later, i totally called it. oh my gosh, you guys are so cute together i literally can. not. handle. you guys would have the cutest babies ever, oh gosh, can i be the godmother? can i be your bad of honor at your wedding? you guys keep me-" bexly giggles but opal shoots her darts, mentally telling her to keep down. bexly then clears her throat, apologizing.

"we aren't dating." opal states, crossing her arms over her chest.

bexly's face drops. "what?"

"we aren't dating... we just- we- ugh."

the two girls sit in silence for a few moments, then the wise, yet immature waitress comes to a conclusion. "don't you like each other?"

the blue eye'd girl nods. "he just, we accidentally sorta, did something and he thought i didn't like him."

"what happened?" asks bexly.

opal cringes and smiles nervously, shrugging.

bexly pauses. "you guys kissed, didn't you?"

opal furrows her eyebrows, then her neck becomes blotchy and her ears become red. the top of her head feels hot and she wants to be held. she nods.

"is that why he isn't here?" asks the waitress.

opal shrugs.

"damn, why wouldn't he be here? how did all of this go down?" questions the waitress, she doesn't mean to ask all these questions, but she can't help but feel bad for the two.

"i don't know, he just... left right after and i couldn't find him when i ran out after him."

bexly rubs her face with her hands, feeling horrible for the small girl in front of her.

"i'm sorry baby girl, i'm sure he will come back soon. maybe he just... needs to sort out his feelings. you can always-" she tells her sympathetically, but was cut off by one of her co workers.

"bexly, i need you to cover this shift for me. is that okay? my girlfriend is in labor, like, right now and i need to be there for-" a man who looks like he's in his early twenties rushes over to the two girls in a panic, and bexly immediately stands up, ushering him out and telling him that she's got him covered.

"sorry opal, i'd love to stay but duty calls." bexly frowns and opal nods, smiling at the waitress politely.

"it's fine, thank you for being here for me anyways." the girl stands up from the booth and gives her friend a hug. "i'm just going to head out, heres $7 for mine and christian's drinks that we didn't even have."

"no no no no no its okay, it's on the house. go home and feel better yea?"

opal nods, hugs the waitress again and walks out the door.


making bad decisions is my middle name

someone come pull me out of my pain

i broke her heart

and man what a waste

christian could not believe he just ditched her at the shop.

he should have went to see her, to talk to her. to explain to her what his feelings were.

closing his notebook and clutching it to his chest, he stares at his fan and tries to follow the speed with his eyes.

he could have went to the shop, he couldn't leave her there. so he went. without even taking his book, he runs out his front door, quickly walks to the cafe and quickly pushes open the door.

bexly's eyes immediately shoot up, and she smiles. "just missed her, coffee boy. she'll be back tomorrow."


cringing :)


++ it turns out christian does like tea, specifically chai tea since thats the only tea we've seen him drink so far (in his ep video)

and i specifically wrote in previous chapters that he didn't like tea. and opal drank chai tea. wtf christian


(++ its been a year since i came out to my first person as bisexual woot woot)

song of the chapter: invisible - 5sos

dandelion hands // christian akridgeWhere stories live. Discover now