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christian: *sloppily eats an apple and picks pulp out of his teeth*

me: omg :,) the cutest!


the air felt crowded, like there was a hand in her chest, digging out the oxygen.

no no no nonono this can't be happening. why is he kissing her?

she can't help but melt into his lips, her entire body becoming mush in his arms as he pulls her closer.

he doesn't want to let go, not even for air. she was his air.

he's squinting his eyes shut, his eyebrows are furrowed together as he is afraid to look at her after this. he couldn't help it, he wanted to do it so bad, he wanted to kiss her for so long, but he was afraid of losing her. he curses himself for doing this, for ruining them.

they let go, and opal's tiny hand raises up to her lips, and she looks up at him in shock. their expressions are mirroring each other, and they're too afraid to speak. they stare at each other with wide eyes for a few moments, and then she looks down, removing her hand away from her mouth.

"why... did you do that?" she asks quietly.

he doesn't answer, he was too shocked to speak.

opal touches her lips again with her fingers, wanting to kiss the boy again.

"i'm sorry." christian says finally. his voice is shaky and his lips seem to be chattering slightly, like he was scared.

opal keeps her eyes down.

"i'm sorry." christian repeated. his heart is beating way too fast for him to handle, his breathing is rapid and his lungs won't work.

"do you like me?" opal asks, finally looking at him.

christian looks down, and nudges the ground with his toes. he nods.

the girl purses her lips, now avoiding eye contact. her face feels pink and her palms are starting to sweat, she wants to cry and scream and kiss him all at once.

she felt embarrassed just as much as he did.

"i'm sorry." he says again, backing towards her door.

she wants to stop him, to yell at him to not ever leave, to tell him she likes him too. but her body is frozen, she's still in awe. she never thought she would experience something like this, someone liking her, like someone's lips on hers.

she wants to sprint towards him as fast as she could, to hold him down and kiss him again, but he left.

*i would like to interrupt this program with some breaking news: i can hear my parents humping each other in their room. SOS.

thank you for your time and keep reading.*

and when she finally did start to move her feet, she sprinted past her mother and aspen, knocking down a glass and towards the unlocked door. aspen and darcy question her, but she ignored them. she pulls open the door as hard as her scrawny arms could and bolts out, not even minding the wind blowing her dark hair all over her face. she see's the tall boy's head enter a large crowd of people, causing her to bolt again after him.

damn rush hour.

she keeps her eyes trained on him, squeezing her way through bodies who seem to only be going north and south, but her and christian are going east and west, making it even more difficult for her to catch up. she was knocked around, poked and pinched, screamed at and scolded at by complete strangers as they try getting to their destinations.

opal would originally be embarrassed and apologize to each person, but she can't, nor did she care.

every step she took her best friend seemed to be getting farther and farther to the point she could no longer see him, and finally she came to an opening.

he wasn't there.

in fact, she had no idea where he was. he could have gone left or right, or straight forward. she has never seen this part of the city before, the girl just wanted to crumble to her knees and cry, but she can't. not in front of everyone.

she turned around on her heel and shuffled her way back home, keeping her head down so no one see's her tears.


this was so crappy but lol

sorry i take forever to update, 1) i just got out of school for the summer woot woot

2) writers block. i dont know what the fuck im doing.

i feel like i rarely ever thank you guys for reading this piece of shit so.. thank you a lot, there is more to come

thank you for reading my shit

song of the chapter: cigarette daydreams- cage the elephant

(self promo: i have a playlist for this story and its called 'dandelion hands' and its on my spotify; brookegordonugh so yea go listen)

dandelion hands // christian akridgeWhere stories live. Discover now