.:Chapter Fourteen:. Kiss and Make Up

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A few seconds after The Doctor left, Rose regained full control over her actions. Right after the smell of the cologne dispersed it was almost as if her mind went completely blank. She almost couldn’t recall everything that happened. She shook her head, dazed and confused she went to her room and decided she needed some good sleep as well.

She shook her head, and decided to take a bath to clear her mind. When she was out of the bath and fully dressed, she decided to go and get something to eat, but her bedroom door is gone, and she hits the wall where the door used to be.

“What the hell?” she muttered.

Rose looked over to see that the door connecting The Doctor’s room and hers was still there. She went over to it and was about to lay her hand on the knob when there was a sudden knock on the door. It made her jump back a bit in surprise. There could have only be one person on the other side of the door and he never knocked. Rose opened the door slowly and looked up at the Doctor.

"Is your bedroom door gone,  too?" He asked.

Rose nodded, “Yeah. It is.”

There was an awkward silence that fell upon both of them. It was the very first time it had been awkward for them and Rose didn’t like it one bit.

The Doctor furrowed his eyebrows in concentration and after a few seconds, his eyes popped open in realization. “I think the TARDIS wants us to talk…”

It wasn’t the highlight of Rose’s day. Well, not entirely. If she was going to kiss the Doctor, she would have rathered it be fully her doing it.

“Why? What is there to talk about?” She asked as obviously as she could; she had decided she would just pretend it didn’t happen.

The Doctor on the other hand, had a different way of approaching it. “Do I have to say it?” He asked, not even bothering with pretending it didn’t happen.

Rose didn’t speak. She walked over to her bed and sat down, cross legged. The Doctor leaned on the door frame, not daring to enter. He wanted to give her the space. “I’m sorry, Rose. I didn’t intend for this to happen.” The Doctor kept talking.

“Neither did I…” Rose pointed out. If she had stayed quiet any longer the Doctor would have undoubtedly ran into one of his rambles.

“A salesman on that strange planet lured me into taking this strange cologne.. I didn't know it would do that, he said it would keep you from wandering off..I didn't know he meant it in that way…” As the Doctor talked, Rose noticed that he looked everywhere but at her and that slightly stung.

However, she chose to ignore it. “A strange man offers you a cologne that is said to get people to not wander off, and you decided 'oh. It's not going to be anything’?” she raised her eyebrows at him and laughed. “Well, Doctor. I knew you lost your edge but I didn’t think you were that desperate.” Rose teased him playfully in an attempt to break this awkward phase between them.

“I have not- I am not desperate!” The Doctor protested, a blush rising to his cheeks.

Rose laughed softly at his reaction and nodded.

“I just wanted to see what the man meant.” He tried to defend himself.

“It got us locked in our rooms, it did.”

The Doctor scratched at the back of his neck. “Yeeeeeah.” he dragged the word out.

Rose lied down and hugged a throw pillow close to her. “I guess we just wait for her to put the doors back.”

“Guess so.” The Doctor rocked on his heels. His hands were shoved into his pockets. He would normally have went and sat beside her on the bed while he talked to her, but what happened between them didn’t make the situation they were in no where near normal.

Rose propped herself up on her elbows and looked over at him with a frown. It still hurt a bit seeing the Doctor being so distant.

The Doctor glanced at her for the first time in a while, feeling her frown towards him. “What’s wrong?”

“Are you going to act like I have a highly contagious, deadly disease from now on, or something?”

“Sorry… I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” The Doctor looked down at his converse.

“I think I was the one making you uncomfortable, Doctor.”

“You’re probably right.” He said as he walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge.

“I’m sorry though. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Rose sat up and faced him.

“It’s okay.” The Doctor was being unusually quiet.

Rose gave him a quick, one-armed hug. “What does she want us to do?”

“I’m not exactly sure.” he tried to reach out to the TARDIS and tried to get her to tell him what he needed to do but she was one stubborn thing.

Rose tried to think. Whenever she’d get in fights with her family or friends, her mother would always tell them to kiss and makeup whenever she got fed up of the complaints and insults being thrown every which way. She gave a quick, hard laugh.

“What are you laughing about?”

“She locked us in here to do what? Kiss and makeup…”

“Well… we made up.”

Rose looked at him, very seriously. “We haven’t kissed.”

The Doctor realized that his assumptions were right. If the TARDIS just had the intention of forcing them to makeup, the doors would have been put back awhile ago.

“No, we haven’t.” he spoke in a quiet voice and leaned over, kissing Rose on the cheek; he hoped it would be enough to satisfy the TARDIS.

In response to the pathetic excuse of a kiss, the TARDIS flickered the lights in the room violently; the door never appeared back into place.

She decided to take the initiative and get this over with. Quickly, she leaned in and pecked him on the lips. Not wasting a second, she pulled back. She felt a small nudge in the back of her mind as if the TARDIS was accepting that as a kiss, but wasn’t truly satisfied.

The Doctor and Rose sat there in silence. Both doors were back in place, but no one had anything to say.

Suddenly, the Doctor laughed.

“What are you laughing for?” Rose quizzed, arching an eyebrow in curiosity and wonder.

“The TARDIS has never done this before.”

“Have you ever fought with any of your other companions?”

“Loads of times.” The Doctor nodded.

“And she’s never locked you in a room with them?” Rose tilted her head to the side a little. “What about us drifting apart makes it so important for her to try and make us makeup?”

The Doctor shrugged. “I don’t know.” Something about how he spoke and his body language told Rose that he wasn’t exactly telling the truth. “To the console room?” he grinned, standing up; he held out his hand to her.

Rose couldn’t help but smile. She took his hand and stood up. “To the console room!”

Bad Wolf and the Oncoming Storm [Book One: Back in Time]Where stories live. Discover now