Chapter Six: Over The Edge

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I quickly snap out of my anger as I see Toralei on the ground. I slowly back away to see Jackie was watching from behind. Toralei struggled to get up to her feet as she looks up at Jackie filled with anger.

"Do you see what she does Jackie? She's an abomination! All I did was tell her to stop her madness and she threw me to the floor threatening me that she would electrocute me to death because she still wants Neighthan," she cried out in pain.

I look up at her as I felt my tears again. "No! Jackie! She's lying please believe me..!" I tried to reassure her, but she just clinched her fist as she ran towards me.

"I never believed you, you b***h!" She screamed as she grabbed my throat and I felt a huge slam on my back as she started to chock me while I started to dangle from her grasp.

"How do you like being the one in pain now?!" She asked me with hatred in her eyes.

I didn't fight back. I just let her choke me. I knew Toralei was deceiving her and I shouldn't have to hurt Jackie because of it. My vision started to fade to black as I can barely make out Toralei as she was just with her arms crossed with that sinister smile on her face. With the last of my breath, I reached out towards her.

"A-are you happy now...Toralei...?" I asked her as I finally faded into the dark.

The next thing I knew I woke up in my room in pain. I slowly rise up to my feet as I see Ron outside my window. He was all cut up and in bruises and I bet it was all because of me. Have I become a nuisance for everyone? Am I just a pathetic excuse for a monster?

I started to tear up as I quickly head out through the back door. I had to get away. I didn't care if my legs started to tremble from all the running. I just needed to get away from this place and fast. After a few blocks I stopped to catch my breath as I wiped away my tears. I then take a seat as I leaned against a nearby light post. I slowly take a long exhale, but then I felt a strong grip on my neck as a cloth filled with medicine covered my face as I slowly begin to face unconscious. Was I going to die?
I slowly open my eyes as I see a guy more or less my age with a knife at my throat. I look around to see nothing but an empty abandoned room filled with two other people. The guy with the knife reminded me of the infamous Medusa with his dark shades and his green snake like Mohawk. The other two behind them looked like werecat twins, with one in favor of white and the other in black. I bite down nervously into the cloth that's been used to cover my mouth as I see the snake guy walking towards me.

"So what are we going to do with this one?" He asked the werecat twins.

The werecat twins both let out a high pitched "Meow" and he turned around to face me giving me that same devious smile that Toralei would give me.

"Sorry there bolts, but it looks like we need to beat you to death or at least until you're barely breathing," he said as he raised the knife to my cheek.

I felt something warm and sticky fall down my cheek as I looked down to see that he had broken the seams from my check as I started to tremble. I knew this had to be it. I closed my eyes as I let out a long whimper.

Next thing I knew, things grew quiet as I slowly open my eyes to see Jackson in front of me with the others knocked out on the floor.

"Jackson..?" I muffled softly through the cloth still tied around my mouth. He didn't say a word. He walked up to my motionless kidnappers as he noticed a little golden bracelet in the snake guy's hand as Jackson picked it up and put it away. He then turned towards me as he quickly untied me and carried me away before the others woke up. After a few blocks Jackson lets loose of his grip as he softly placed me back on my feet against the ground. He then looks up to meet my eyes as he gently takes off the cloth that was tied around my mouth and uses it to clean up the dried up blood from where my stitch used to be.

"Are you alright Frankie..?" He asked me in a soft tone. I blushed a little as I cleared my throat.

"Y-yes...I think so," I answered him back. I felt his soft touch against my hand as he started to lead the way.

"Come on now, let's get you home, I'm sure Ron is worried about you," he spoke softly towards me as I started to follow him. I don't know what's going on but I've never seen this side of Jackson before. Maybe he wasn't that much of the jerk I thought he was. But then just behind a corner, Toralei had seen us escape as she took a picture of us and gives out a sight chuckle.

"This could be some use to me. Let's see you get out of this one Frankie," she said with a sinister smile.
I walk into the classroom with Jackson to see everyone gathered at the doorway.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

Jacklyn and Raven turned away as Jackie approaches my face.

"You are nothing but a traitor! What did we ever do to you?" She points to the board to see nothing but a photograph, but what was on the photo set my stomach in knots. The photo showed Jackson and I from yesterday, holding my hand when he walked me home.

"Frankie how could you?" Raven shouted.

I turned to face her, "Raven please, it's not what it looks like! I was kidnapped and Jackson was there to save me and he was walking me home," I tried to explain.

Jackie tries to assault me again but Jackson pushes me aside and blocks her attack. He gives her a cold glare as Jackie quickly pulls away.

"Think lil' sis! Did you even notice the bruise Frankie has on her face? It's the same one in the photo after I saved her and she didn't have it yesterday."

Jacklyn walks up to the both of us.

"How do you know she didn't use makeup to create that fake bruise?"

I felt tears running down my face as I quickly ran out of the classroom. I can't believe it! Nobody believed me! I can't take this life anymore! I never want to feel this pain again and I think I know just the solution..

I ran as fast as I could to the courtyard. I don't know where else to turn... I just took a deep breath as I reached into my bag. No one wants me one cares about me...all I ever am to them is just a burden... I slowly pull out a magnet I had found in my dad's laboratory as I closed my eyes.

I slowly raised the magnet to my bolts as I felt an agonizing pain flowing through my body. I knew what the magnet was doing to me and since no one cares about my life then why should I? I push it even closer towards my bolts as I slowly faded into the dark. I began to choke on the sparks as I felt my respiratory system failing.

I fell down to my knees as I landed on the ground. I knew this was the end of me and I don't really care if it really was. I'd rather be anywhere but on this hell I call "Earth."

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