Chapter Three: Enter Jackie! Rumors Run Wild!

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My circuits were starting to go haywire due to the constant tears rolling down my face. I took a deep breath and lowered my head on the courtyard table.

"Is this basically your private place to cry your hopes away?" That voice seemed so familiar.

I turned around to see a boy with big framed glasses and a sweater vest pattern I've never seen before. He was quite tall and pale but he had a little muscular tone to define him. His hair reminded me of Raven's purple and black hair, but instead of purple, his highlights were yellow. He started to approach me but then it hit me. This guy was the one that was here that other night when Neighthan dumped me, and not only turned out that he was Jacklyn's older brother Jackson.

"You! What are you doing here?!" I asked in a demanding tone as I stood up from my seat.

"I could have asked you the same thing but I think I have an idea," he responded.

I looked down, I honestly had nothing to say to him. Should I really trust this guy? The guy that walked out on Jacklyn's family, leaving them to struggle.

"By the looks of it, it seems something went down with you and Toralei and it's spreading through the school like a virus. Toralei said that you grew jealous of how she won Neighthan and you threw her to the ground after she tried to apologize to you," he said in a normal tone.

I clinched my fist as I got in his face.

"That's a lie!" I yelled.

I stood for a moment, then I let my knees fall to the ground. I can't believe this is happening to me... Is Toralei really going to blackmail me...? I stood up and walked passed Jackson. Jackson looked at me as I was still walking away.

"H-hey! Where are you going?" He asked confused.

"I'm going home!" I said, trying to choke back my tears. I knew it! I should have trusted Jacklyn about him! Jackson was a jerk and I'm glad she kicked him out of her life!
I was walking down the darkened hallways of Monster High with Jacklyn on my way to first period. Jacklyn is still a bit fussy about Jackson but she seemed a lot better than she was the other day. I really didn't want to bother her with my encounter of Jackson anyways. She has too much to worry about and the last thing I wanted was to be a bother.

"I swear if I ever come face to face here in school with Jackson, I am going to send him to the bits of the underworld when I'm through with him," Jacklyn shouted.

I gave her a little smirk to show that I was listening, but then I noticed someone was sitting on the floor reading a book. I was getting ready to warn Jacklyn, but it was too late. Before I knew it, I heard a loud "Crash" and Jacklyn had flown to the ground. Jacklyn grew furious, she quickly pounced back up as she turned around to face who she had tripped on.

"Hey watch where you...!" Jacklyn had stopped in the middle of her sentence as she caught a quick glance of the boy she fell on. He was pale as a ghost, but everyone knew that he was the son of the invisible man. He had pure black hair with some dark blue faded into it, and to top it off he wore a beanie to complement his hipster outfit. If I knew any better, by the looks of things in my perspective, I'd say that Jacklyn might find this boy a bit attractive.

"I am soo sorry, are you alright miss?" Invisi Billy asked concerned.

Jacklyn tries to balance while using Billy as support.

"Y-yes, I am alright...thank you," she responded shyly towards him.

They both got lost in each other's eyes for a moment, but then their own little world shattered with a high pitched scream.

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