Chapter Five: Truths Be Told

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Meanwhile with Ron, he was walking into the creepateria as he saw Jackson sitting alone. He makes his way toward Jackson and sits in front of him. Jackson looks up to see Ron and places his fork back on his tray.

"What brings you here?" Jackson asked in a suspicious tone.

Ron clears his throat as he looks straight into his eyes.

"I want to know what is the deal between you and my Frankie and all of her friends,"he asked in a demanding tone.

Jackson just gave a slight chuckle. "Why do you want to know and first of all aren't you her boyfriend? "You shouldn't have to worry about my business," he replied in a straight voice.

Ron stands up and slams his hand on the table and Jackson becomes shocked by his anger.

"Answer the question dammit!"Ron yelled.

Jackson remains a little stunned as he adjusts his glasses.

"I'd see you'd do anything for your girl and her friends," Jackson replied. Ron sits back down as he clears his throat again trying to cover up the anger in his voice.

"Frankie means everything to me, she is my father's creation and I'd do anything to protect her. And I can see that her friends mean more to her than the world. I need you to cooperate with me that way I can burn away all of this hatred everyone has for each other." Jackson looks around then looks back up at Ron.

"The reason why I left my family for my father is because that day he was threatening to kill everyone if he didn't at least get one child for custody. I knew I had to be the one to go because I knew how to handle myself and I didn't want him to abuse any of the others. And when my father finally got locked away from drug abuse I was able to go into foster care and that's how I started to go to school here. I wanted to tell my siblings but they would run away every time I came near...,"Jackson answered with tears escaping his face.

Ron placed his hand on Jackson's back trying to comfort him.

"And you have a beautiful girlfriend that I was trying to blow away but you beat me to her before I could get her to see my true side," Jackson had added. Ron looked up as Jackson turned to face his way.

"Jackson, Frankie is my friend," Ron replied.

As soon as he slipped his hand away from Jackson's back, they both heard Frankie's scream as they quickly rise up to follow the echo down the hallway.

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