Chapter Four: Torn To Pieces

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Ron and I were at the cemetery lying down as we watched the clouds go by. I've really missed the guy, but I feel bad because I know he truly misses Kim.

I turn to him, "So what's it like to see the world?" I asked with curiosity.

He gave me a warm smile as he sat up to face me.

"Honestly it's beautiful, but I'd rather be here with my best friend," he places his hand on my shoulder as I gave a slight blush.

I will admit, maybe I do like Ron a tad bit, but I knew I could never tell Ron how I truly feel. He may not admit it but I can tell he's in love with Kim just by the way he talks about her. Besides I didn't want to mess up our friendship anyways. I quickly snap out of my bashfulness as I saw Toralei heading our way.

"Oh no..." I gasped as I quickly got up and pulled Ron up by his hand.

"Frankie what's wrong?" He asked worried. I swallowed hard as I looked towards him.

"Let's just say I'm avoiding someone, please let's go!" I shouted, but it was too late.

"Oh hey Frankie, is this a new boy toy or what?" She said as she placed her hand on Ron's face.

"L-leave him alone..!" I shouted with courage, but then all that courage faded into fear when she turned towards me.

"Why Frankie, I'm not doing anything, you're the one that's making yourself look soo desperate since I took Neighthan away from you," she said as she moved closer towards Ron as he tried to back away.

I started to grow angry, she can mess with me but I draw the line when she starts to get my friends involved. I quickly pull her hand away from Ron's face as I gave her a hard "Palm Hand" to the face. She screamed in pain as her nose started to bleed. I started to wheeze as I looked back to see Jackie's face in horror. I started to tear up as I walked closer towards her, but Jackie just walked back.

"'s not what it looks like..." I said trying to chock back my tears.

"You are so pathetic, are you really trying to use this poor boy as a rebound? I hope one of these days someone will take you away and never come back!" Jackie yelled as she walked away. Toralei gave me a twisted smile as she walked towards me.

"You will never win," she whispered as she walks away.
The next day at school I walked into Mrs. Jekyll's classroom as I see everyone staring me down as I quietly take my seat. Raven looked at me worried as she ran her hand down my black and white streaked hair.

"Jacklyn told me what Jackie saw yesterday at the cemetery," she said quietly.

"No it's not what it looks like...! Toralei was harassing Ron and...I don't know what came over me..." I responded in defeat.

Raven gave me a smile of relief, "I knew you would never hurt anyone without a purpose." Raven pulled out her phone as I saw a photo of Jackson sitting down in the creepateria in her photo album.

"Hey isn't that Jackson?" I asked her with curiosity. Raven flinched as she quickly pulled the phone away from me.

"Yes...just don't tell Jacklyn, but I may have a slight crush on him," she gave me a bashful smile. I looked back and see Dexter Charming staring right at Raven from a distance.

"What about Dexter though?" I asked her about her best friend.

I knew she and Dexter were longtime friends and I've even talked to him before about her. I can tell that every time he talks about Raven, he gets all heartfelt and is always blushing just at the sound of her name. Just like how Ron likes to talk about Kim. She blushes really hard as she puts her hand over her mouth.

"W-what do you mean about Dexter? We are just's not like he feels the same way that I feel about him...," she replied in a sad tone.

I look at her as I placed my hand on top of her shoulder. Maybe she's just trying to use her crush on Jackson as a cover up for her true feelings for Dexter.

"Hey, you'll be surprised. Most couples start out by being friends," I smiled at her as she gave me a smile of hope.

But little did we know was that there was a ghoul named Spectra Vondergeist right below our feet listening in to our conversation. My phone gave out a loud vibration as I checked it only to see our whole conversation was recorded in audio format as I continued to read on the school blog, "The Ghostly Gossip." Raven's face grew grim as she buries her head into her arms.

"Oh no! What is Jacklyn going to think of this? And Dexter? Even Jackson?!" She asked me scared to death.

Seconds later, the door slams right open as Jacklyn comes in screaming her head off.

"Raven what the hell?! How could you like that traitor?!" She screamed as she made her way toward us. I get up as I hold Jacklyn back from Raven.

"Jacklyn please calm down there's no need for this," I tried to reassure her. Toralei comes in from behind as she sits on top of Raven's desk.

"Meeoowww, you know? Wasn't this just between you and Frankie?" She asked Raven as we both turned towards them. Raven looks at me in shock in her eyes as Jackyn makes her way towards her. Sadly I think I knew what she who she was believing, and I have a feeling it wasn't me.

"Yeah Frankie, how did my secret spread so fast without anyone else knowing in on it?" Raven asked me as her anger started to rise.

"Raven please could I spread it if I didn't leave the room?" I asked her calmly. Toralei rises up from the desk as she walks up to me.

"What about your phone? How could it be on the school blog if you claimed you never left the room?" She asked me in a smart aleck tone. I looked back at Raven as I saw tears forming in her soft purple eyes.

"Raven, I never had my phone in my hand when we were talking...please believe me...," I said as my voice started to crack from my tears about to burst from my eyes. Raven looks down as Jacklyn gives her a comforting hug.

"I don't know what to believe from you anymore...," she finally responded.

I felt my heart was torn apart as I took off from the classroom and ran into the hallway. I just couldn't believe that Raven didn't believe me over Toralei. I leaned my head against the lockers as I started to sob. I just kept thinking "Why? Why me?"

I stood up as I wiped my tears and I turn around to see Toralei behind me. I clinched my fists as I tried to walk past her but she wouldn't get out of my way.

"Let me go! Haven't you've done enough damage?!" I yelled at her. She just starts to give an evil snicker as she looks deep into my eyes with those menacing cat eyes of hers.

"Why would I give this up? This is gold! I can't wait to see what else I can break from you!" I started to scream as I pushed Toralei to the ground.

"You're going to pay!"

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