chapter 8

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(This is my chapter. I think HKDGAL, aka my twin will write the next. First chapter in almost a year since I posted this on Quizilla. So I want to let you know I will be writing this at least once a week because not many people read this right? anyways I have to say, this is going to be long and fun. I am hoping 20 chapters. Praying for it? Maybe, yeah, okay maybe 15. You want a sequel? Let me know by message or comment. I love writing and specials will be awarded for every 1,000 views like Losing Mars/Falling For Mars. Anyways I hope you enjoy this. Took me a half an hour to write because I am a slow typer and I had to refresh my memory on this story and my characters, like Emmy. I remembered Sam though...luckily :) anyways have a great time, remember read, vote, and add to your list.)

Caspian and me were on a island for some strange reason and we couldn’t remember how exactly that came to be. I walked with him at my side, Lilliandil, the star appeared to us. She walked over and she stared at Caspian then at me. She took our hands in hers. She then smiled and said, “You two make a wonderful couple. I see that now, and I wish you both the best.”

“Will you stay and help us recover all the shields?” Caspian asked.

She looked down and replied, “If I must do so, after all this is your kingdom, I shall follow your command.”

I asked, “Are you sure you are not tricking us?”

She turned to me and said, “I am sure. If I was, I would of done something by now.”

Caspian then asked, “Why did the mist bring us here?”

She answered, “To separate you from your friends. The mist wish to take you all on separately.”

“Then why take me and Sam together?”

“The mist is evil and thinks of you both as one. You promised each other that you will be together, so you are committed. I cannot stop the mist from taking the next group, I believe Emmy and Eustace are next. They seem close, too close in fact,” Lilliandil said to Caspian.

Caspian looked at me, “That is most unfair. Sam has done nothing but love me for me, she is merely but my future wife. She cannot fight the mist with me…its too costly.”

I then said, “I can take care of myself Caspian. I know how to fight, you seen me fight before. Peter has taught me some, and my father has as well.”

“I cannot risk you Sam. I would never forgive myself if I lose you,” he said and he looked down at the ground.

I took his hand in mine, “You may not have the need to worry anymore. I am old enough to care for myself. I am a brave soul. Do not fear what may happen, Aslan already made plans for us. He is my protector as well as yours.”

He smiled and kissed my hand, “I know you are, and I guess you can fight at my side. Only at my side though because this fight is not going to be easy.”

“I would not have it any other way,” I replied with a smile on my face.

Lilliandil looked away, “The night is lingering near. Go forth, I will try to protect Emmy and Eustace.”

“Very well, be safe,” Caspian said to her and she left.

I started to walk away, “She seems nice.”

“She has her moments now and days,” Caspian replied.

“What did you like about her?” I asked him.

“She was kind and pretty, but Sam, you’re the only girl in the world I can see myself with. Your pretty and you are amazing. I asked you to marry me, not Lilliandil,” he replied.

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