Chapter 1- Are you Georgia Rose?

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Who is Georgia rose?

Chapter 1 - Intro

When I had woke up that morning, it had felt like any normal regular morning. That is till I was eating breakfast. See I had never really thought that one day in June would follow me, well at least not like it had. Never before did I think until that moment that I of all people, would be a household name. That my name would be the one people are talking about.

Some would be proud of that. Me, I truly don't know if I can say I was, or am . Sometimes I think I would want to go back, and change it all, but that's when I realize my life is better with them in it. Life isn't the easiest, but when it comes down to the line it is worth it, THEY make it worth it.

So, just like every morning I got my favorite bowl of cereal, curling up on my couch, and turned on the daily news. Some could say I have, or I HAD a very routine life style. I just think I liked back then the simply things in life. Maybe I still do enjoy the simply things in life, things just are not simple anymore for me to enjoy them.

I don't know what made me take a small step out of my structured morning schedule, but instead of the local news channel, I turned to the very popular British celeb dish channel. OH how sometimes I wish I had never done that, that I would have just watched the local news that morning, that I would have just saw some little news report , maybe something about a cat stuck in a tree, anything would have been better than the shock I had received that unknowing morning. For some reason I use to think if I had never stepped out of my schedule I wouldn't be in the situation I am in now, but that would be foolish  cause this was inevitable .

I honestly remember that day like it was yesterday. Oh and you may be asking yourself, who even am I. I'm Georgia Rose Anderson, but I think I am more commonly now as THE Georgia Rose. Oh and now before you make any assumptions, or jokes no my dad is not a dentist, he is just a normal child pediatrician, but I guess that was a good thing they sang dentist, or my identity would have been found out a lot more quick.

I was eating my fruit loops, and watching the British celeb channel. I was zoning in and out, basically the television, or telly was just background noise. I'm American based. I was born in America, moved to Britian after I turned 18 with my dad. So, yeah still haven't realllllllly caught on to the slang.

Anyway back to my story, so when I first flipped the channel I think the blonde lady, I can't quiet remember her name, was talking on about some up and coming American stars or something. Nothing I was really interested in.

Mornings weren't really my thing back then, celebrities weren't really either. Which had made it even stranger that I chose that channel that morning, but hey my best friend loved the boys, well she still loves them.....just more on a less stalkerish level now.

So, I was simply just eating a huge spoonful of fruit loops, occasional I had drifted to sleep and spilling some milk on me. So everything was normal, until I caught on to the few words, of the way to happy woman's whose name escapes me right now had said;

" And up next we will talk about our favorite British boys, and there new song. People are speculating one of the boys had written their new song " Best song ever" to a girl who caught one of the boys eyes. Find out next after this commercial break, which boy could have fallen for a fan and the question on everyone's mind. Is there a real Georgia Rose? "

That's when One Directions " Best Song ever" had played, and the camera had slowly panned away to go to commercial.

I still laugh when I think about what I did next. Some might have expected me to freak out, or scream, but in my tired sleep deprived mind it had taken a few minutes for me to even processes what I had just heard. My mind had slowly caught on. Slowly I had processed.

Wait One direction has a new song? Strange Annie hadn't told me about it. She had usually done that when anything about One Direction had come up.

Wait did she say something about a Georgia Rose? That's weird that's just like my name.

Wait that is a lot like my name.....

Wait could that be me, no way it can't be


Has that one June day followed me?

Wait, did she say one of the boys had fallen for the girl , and wrote the song for her?

Am I just dreaming again?

See those were the questions that came to me. As for the dreams, ever since that faithful June day back then I would have dreams with them in it, and I won't lie......I hated it. Okay I won't lie about that either I didn't hate it every time, just most of the time. I was foolish back then, I stereotyped the One Direction boys. I had made them out to be the bad guys in my mind back then.

I remember I was progressively going into a panic attack. I had tried to convince myself I had heard it wrong, that my tired mind had warped the words somehow.

My once tired and gorge mind had suddenly flipped switch, and had been on high alert. I remember being upset with commercials, one after another, making my temper grow. I had just wanted to hear the blonde lady. I had just wanted her to confirm I was wrong. I had never got that confirmation, because the words I had heard had changed my life. That song had changed my life.

The real thing I can remember is the words the woman said at the end of her report.

" It is heard that Harry himself wrote the song, in attempts to find her again. That our curly haired bad boy , had found a girl that makes his heartbeat. Best part is that it is spectated the girl is a fan, since he can't find her. Fan girls everywhere are freaking out claiming, they are either the Georgia Rose, or they know who it is. I personally think the search is out for this Georgia Rose, if that is even her name."

Her next words were meant to be a cute little reporters joke, but it was no joke for me.

"Are you Georgia Rose?" The news reported had giggled, then handed off the Segway to the next story.

Let's just say that joke wasn't humorous to me back then at that moment.


Hey guys!!!! Do you like? Alright need to do some explaining, and to understand the story you should read this. So, this is like a flash back. Next chapter is going to be how this all started. It's gonna explain what happened on that June day. Most of the chapter will be flash back like, and eventually come to the present near the end, and boy does a lot happen! A lot in store. I hope you like . Vote , favorite, and.....

Have a great day guys. Really if you're even reading this story you are making my day. Thank you for that.

Who is Georgia Rose( One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now