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It was about 9:00 and I was tired. I got 1st place all four games and Rose kept asking for more.

"How was my dad? Like, did he make you uncomfortable?" She said, sounding ashamed.

"Nah, I was cool."

He tried to intimidate me like how those typical dads are. It didn't work, I wasn't moved or bothered by his speech. 'You hurt my daughter, and imma stick my foot so far up yo' ass" is basically all he said. Nice try, pops.

She exhaled. "Good. My dad always gets carried away."

I focused on the road.

"Do your parents stress you out about who you're seeing?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I don't have parents."

She was lost.

"We're you adopted or???"

I shook my head again. "Nah. My parents just left me. Left me on my uncles doorstep when I was a newborn and never came back." I shrugged.

"Oh." She said, real shocked. "How do you even sleep at night?"

I chuckled. "It's not that serious Rose. It's whatever. I'm doing just fine on my own."

She looked straight ahead, clearly overthinking our conversation. I'm doing well as an adult, well for a man who wasn't taught shit. No one taught me about love, respect, and responsibility. I learned that stuff the best way I could on my own. I don't need my parents.

We pulled up to her house moments later.

I walked her to the door, being a 'gentleman' for her. *rolls eyes*

"Thanks for the fun night." She leaned in and gave me a tight hug. I looked into her eyes and pulled her hips into my torso. I leaned in a little for a kiss but she jumped back and put her finger up to my lips. "Friends don't kiss."

She smiled and opened the door. "Night." She said softly before the sound of the door closing made me rethink life.

Why did I have to friend-zone her nice ass? I probably would have gotten in her pants tonight. Stupid.


"Ahhhh you sick as fuck boyyyy!" Randy teased me at the bar.

I shook my head as I drank one shot of patron.

"She ain't never giving it up bruh, you might as well give up now." He tapped my back while dying of laughter.

"Nah, she too sexy to give up. I gotta hit it one good time."

"Good luck. But anyways, my sister having a birthday party next weekend, you gotta come with me so I won't have to beat none of them niggas ass by myself." He sat back in the chair.

I chuckled. "That girl turning 18, if someone trying to holla, let her get her groove on." I shrugged.

He shook his head and smacked his lips. "No no no, ain't no groove gonna get got on that night."

Dominic's RoseWhere stories live. Discover now