Chapter 4 Answers

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"He was the most kindest person you could ever meet"

"It's like if you were lost, he would be there to help you"

"Every Time you felt down, he would cheer you up"

"And if you were getting hurt, bullied, he would've been you savior.....your up stander"

"Your guardian angel"

Things happen, yes it does. But do they actually happen for a reason. Or is it for revenge? Is it for happiness? As you stare at the hard rock.

Clenching your heart in pain.

Thinking that the world is going to end. When you have nothing left inside of your poor fucking broken heart. When you lose someone, you don't know what you feel.

Emotions mix inside your mind.

Am I happy?



When things become so dark....

There's no light..

There's no one who you would think will save you.

That feeling when you're so alone, when you're so afraid.

I coughed up blood but then to hiss in pain from inside of my throat. I opened my mouth and breathed through only there. My nose is broken, so it's been hard to breathe through from there.

I can't see...

Everything is so damn dark

Just plain pitch black. I would hear noises that would scare the crap out of me. My arms ached in pain and coldness.

My body was never uncomfortable on this damn chair. My feet were numb my head was paining. I was gone. I haven't seen the sun ever since that day.

I haven't seen anyone.

Maybe they gave up on me. I would actually tell my mind that every so often. Maybe they thought I died. Maybe Jonathan found a lover.

Maybe he too gave up on me

Because I'm sure as hell that I gave up on myself

They abused me over and over again till I pass out. I had cried a few times of course. My thoughts were interrupted by hearing a door creek open. I gasped silently and tried to see through the dark.

I heard knuckles cracking, while footsteps walked towards my direction. I bit my tongue, feeling blood trickle down into my throat.

"Another day, another hour huh?"

A deep, vicious voice questioned from I think is behind me. He gripped my throat and glared deeply into my soul.

My mouth opened a little, gaping wide in fear. I gasped and closed my eyes shut. My lip trembled, but I bit it down for it to not show.

"Remember your blue?"

He asked, tears welled in my eyes but I kept it in. "Being strong today now?" He slapped me not hard enough but to only receive a small sound.

I gulped deeply to feel pain go over my eyes. I hissed, arching my neck back. I fully opened my eyes to see his face once again.

His dark brown eyes met against my own. I breathed heavily, trying to build up my courage. I stared into his eyes to see a different color that mixed with his own.


My eyes widened a little bit as a flash of memories came inside of my mind. "Falling for me now too, huh?" He asked rolling his eyes in disgust.

I bit my lip and stared into his eyes more. A dark mist of purple glowed in his eyes. He gripped my arm tightly but I didn't feel any pain.

The purple mist flowed down to where I could see the veins. It then shined once it hit against my left hand. I gasped looking down at it.

Showing confusion on his face, he looked down. "What is it you're looking at brat?" He asked spitting out his words.

I shook my head, gulping hard. He growled and walked away. I sighed out loud in relief. A smile popped out for the first time in forever.

Once I saw the purple glow fall into my arms, I finally know the truth. I know where he is. I know what he's doing.

I know he's alive.


I feel so horrible! This is a short chapter yes and I'm sorry for that. I've been so busy with my school work but after Tuesday in off for the summer! So expect more stories. I hope you like this :)

Love ya

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