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Carry on,
Let the good times roll
Sing along,
Let your path unfold.
It won't be long (won't be long, won't be long)
You know its gonna get better
You know its gonna get better.
- outer space / carry on ,, 5sos

( this takes place before adrienne went to give mikey muffins and sees him having an attack. Also, calum's bass on the side / top )

Calum was all alone.

He sits at the floor, he can feel the blood trickling down his face and he could also feel the pain emanating from his body. He looks down at himself and lets out a brief sigh before attempting to stand up.

He walks to his room and locks himself there, lying down on the bed clutching the picture frame in his chest as he was overcome with soft soundless sobs.

Calum was too young to remember it, it came to him in fragments. He was at the meek age of four years old when everything turned to shit. But he remembered. He remembered his mum. He remembered mali. He remembered everything except why it suddenly turned this way.

Why his father, who used to be so kind and loving turned so cold and brutal. Why addie, his big sister who was still too young was always hurt, always beaten, always protecting him. Why himself, who used to be so lively and happy and colorful turned sad and mute and dark.

He forgot the turn of events that lead to this. He forgot how his father became so hostile that it almost lead him to believe that his father has been like that all his life.

But he wasn't.

Calum looks down at the picture frame in his arms and smiles weakly at the happy picture.

It was the five of them at disneyland.

Calum was being carried by his mum, his tiny fists reaching for mickey mouse, four year old addie was smiling while hugging minnie mouse, his father was standing beside his mum, a wide grin on his face and mali was behind addie, smiling too.

It was the only reminder calum had that not everything had been bad, his father hadn't always been this way, and calum and addie used to be happy.

Used to.

Calum heard knocks at his door and he jumped, putting the picture by his bedside drawer, curling up in a ball and whimpering. He thinks it was his father, but soon the door opens and adrienne peeks her head in. Calum relaxes.

"Cally," adrienne sighs and power walks to calum. She gently prompts calum's face up and inspects the black and blue all over his little brother's face. She shakes her head, puts up a finger and says "i'll be back, stay put."

Calum didn't have much of a choice, really.

Soon his sister came in with a first aid kit. She kneels beside his bed and opens the first aid kit, skillfully treating calum's bruises.

Calum suddenly remembers the times his father just started turning bad on them. Addie was taken off guard of course, she didn't know her father had that in him so she was unable to protect the both of them. And when their father finally stopped and left the house, addie crawled over to calum and cradled her little brother in her chest. They were both so small.

Jet black heart ,, mgcWhere stories live. Discover now