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This, is the start, of something beautiful.
This, is the start, of something new.
- u.n.i ed sheeran

Michael liked rugged things.

He liked tattoos and piercings and anything dark. He thought it was cool that he got a few himself. An arm band, an 'x' on his middle finger and a few wayward ones. He also has an eyebrow bar but since that was so fucking painful he never had the guts to get another piercing apart from those on his ears he got when he was like, sixteen.

Michael also has his motorbike. It was old, and it belches out this smoke that people always hate but he liked it. He liked the feel of it too, and the freedom he gets when he rides it. It's been through a lot of repairs and paint jobs but michael wouldn't exchange it for any other motorbike no matter how shiny and new it was.

He keeps it at the back room of their apartment complex. The landlord was nice despite his high cost at the rent, so they let it stay there. No one ever tried stealing it, but then again who would wanna steal a beat up motorbike?

Michael suddenly wanted to go on a ride across town, but he had to wait for ashton to come home.

Its been a few days since adrienne came to give the muffins that michael almost forgot about her. Well almost, before ashton went home and raided the fridge, soon finding the 2 day old muffins.

"Oh, this yours mike?" Ashton said taking it out and putting it on a plate.

"The girl next door, adrienne, gave it to us two days ago. Sorry, i forgot to tell you. You can have them" michael told his friend who beams at him and happily takes the muffin. "She told me she knew you, you know her?"

"Yup." Ashton said "oh god these are the best. And yeah, i helped them settle next to us. Friend of a friend knows her kind of stuff. She has an awesome brother named calum but the boy rarely spoke after a while it was kinda confusing. They're kinda sketchy actually."

"Sketchy how?" Michael asked in his usual way of beinf pushy and liking to pry.

"I don't know, mother died, sister left and they always move around. It was weird, but none of my business." Ashton said through a mouthful of muffins.


And michael left it at that.

It was around 6 in the evening when michael decided to go for a ride. Ashton made sure he took his pills before letting him go. Michael appreciates how much ashton cares for him.

Michael mounts the old motorbike and it roars to life. After tugging on michael's black jacket, he clipped his helmet and let the motorbike lead him wherever it wanted. He usually lets his hands takeover, letting them lead him wherever it wanted to lead him. It usually was someplace calm, and serene. Someplace he could think.

Whilst waiting at a stoplight, he let his eyes wander and saw adrienne walking by. She had a bagel in her hands and was walking around carelessly, possibly going home. However, she stopped by a shelter and peeked inside, her lips twitching into a smile.

For some reason michael wanted to go to her, it was dark, and she was all alone at a sketchy neighbourhood so he decided to be the gentleman that he is and be with her, completely ignoring his original plan of going someplace quiet where he can be alone.

When the light turned green he made a quick u-turn to the girl who had her hands flat against the glass of the shelter. Michael saw that it was a pet shelter. Adrienne was eyeing the puppies in a box by the display.

"Hey." Michael said as his motorbike stopped beside her. Adrienne jumped slightly, but smiled once michael removed his helmet.

"Oh hey, um, jigglypuff boxers guy." She teases and michael felt his face go hot from embarrassment. He knew she would tease him for it. He just knew.

"Yeah um, sorry about that." Michael rubs the back of his neck in shame and shyly laughs "i'm michael by the way, i just figured i never told you my name."

She giggled and oh god michael could melt at the beautiful sound "well hello michael, i'm adrienne." Realization dawned on her and she scrunched her nose up "wait i already told you that."

Michael let out a laugh and adrienne giggles along with him and goddammit she was so adorable michael physically can't even.

"So uh, where you off to?" Adrienne asks taking a bite of her bagel "in that, thing?"

Michael was expecting a judgemental tone in her voice, something that says distaste or anything of the sort but he didn't hear it. All he heard was genuine curiosity and michael felt so refreshed with her tone.

Michael was used to judgemental people. He was used to the glares and the eyeing of his tattoos and piercings and dark clothing. More so when he's riding on his motorbike. He didn't mind it much, but he found it so refreshing that adrienne didn't have the same tone as everyone else did and was actually curious.

Michael gave his motorbike a good pat "just, anywhere. And yeah in this... Bike. You?"

She takes a last bite of her bagel and crumples the tissue "m actually heading home. Its late and my brother needs me." There was a sudden urgency in her tone that made michael wonder what was wrong. He shrugs it off.

"Let me walk with you. Ashton needs me at home anyway." Michael lies. I really just wanna spend time with you.

Adrienne licks her lips and nods "sure michael. Thanks."

The two walk side by side and michael felt comfortable with the silence that dawned upon them. But, he was curious and pushy so he decided to talk anyway.

"How you liking town so far?" Michal asked as he pushed his old motorbike, walking alongside adrienne. She looks down at her feet. She was wearing worn out converses.

"Its fine. Still getting used to it though." She says and gives him a smile "still talking to people and stuff. Still wandering, but i'm learning."

"What's your favorite thing so far?"

"Um, the people? They're really nice." She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and michael balls his hands into fists and focuses more on pushing his bike. "What about you? What's your favorite part about living here?"

Michael shrugs. He never really liked it here. All he had was bad memories and judgemental people. He hated it. He wished he could move someplace else.

"Must be nice though," adrienne mumbled "living in one place."

Michael snorts "not really. I'm sick of the smell of ashton's feet and i have been smelling that for three years."

Adrienne just laughs.

Michael tucks his motorbike where it used to be and clips his helmet by the handlebars. Adrienne waits patiently, looking at the mailboxes and tracing them.

"Irwin.. Moseby.. Cruz.." She mouths the names put on each box and stops at a certain one, dropping her fingers and sighing.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks and plunges his key into the mailbox labelled irwin. There was mail inside. He took it.

"Nothing, just memories." Adrienne shakes her head and gives him a smile. Her cracked, but still beautiful, lips stretch against her face and michael can't help but smile back.

Michael and adrienne walk towards the elevator and to their rooms. Michael, of course being the gentleman he is, walked adrienne to her door.

"Quiet places." Michael suddenly spoke.

Adrienne turns to him, confused.

"This town, it has a lot of isolated places. Quiet places. Where i can just, think. That's what i like the most about this town."

Adrienne smiles. "It ain't so bad after all, huh michael?"

Michael nods and stares at her brown eyes, brimming with innocence yet with something dark. He smiles at her "yeah, it ain't so bad."

"Thank you for walking with me michael. See you around."

Adrienne stood on her tippy toes and kissed michael on the cheek.

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