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So I'll sing a melody
And hope to God she's listening
Sleeping softly while I sing
And I'll be your memories
Your lullaby for all the times
Hoping that my voice could get it right
- i swear this time i mean it ,, mayday parade

Michael was drunk.

He was never really one to get drunk. But michael was confused, and all alone, and there was some spare change near the counter where ashton keeps his keys, and he didn't wanna deal with the voices today so he decided to get pissed drunk at the nearest bar he could find.

He could only afford cheap drinks, like beer and some cheap vodka that tasted so sour that michael questioned the possibility of it being expired.

But he was drunk so his logical brain wasn't thinking.

Michael wasn't a wild drunk, he was usually very kept to himself. but when you start talking to him, he could potentially spill every known secret he has which was just as dangerous, really.

michael was stumbling home, barely even making it to the stairs and having to crawl upwards. that was how drunk he was.

when michael reached his door he saw a note taped to it.

went out, won't be back till like, 10 am? you have the spare keys you should be fine mikey


michael cursed cos ofcourse he left his spare keys inside just when ashton decided to take a night off! he sighs and slides down the door with a thud. it sucked. this sucked. life sucks.

what if michael decided not to go out tonight? would he be enjoying inside? in his room with blankets and pillows and wifi?

He curls up on the floor and sighs, deciding there was no other thing to do but wait for ashton by their doorstep because if michael walked around while he was drunk, things wouldn't go down smoothly.

Michael jumps at the sound of door slamming. He turns his head, his vision was hazy but he sees a girl pounding on the door beside their complex "don't you dare hurt calum! Let me in!" She screams creating so much noise it made michael's head hurt. He groans and the girl turns to look at him.

"Michael?" She sniffles and walks closer to him "what are you doing out here?"

Plump lips, blonde-ish brown hair.

Adrienne. It was adrienne.

Michael gives the note to adrienne and she reads it. She sighs "looks like we're both stuck out here, huh?"

Michael's vision was still hazy but he sees her sit down next to him. She winces at the small movement but succesfully sits down next to him.

"Are you drunk?"

Michael grunts


Michael shrugs

"Wow, guess you're not much for conversation when you're drunk."

Michael chuckles "head hurts," he slurs.

"Entire body hurts." Adrienne whispers.

"What's the deal with you?" Michael asks drunkenly.

"What do you mean?"

"You and that guy, candace? No chad?"

"Calum?" A wide eyed adrienne looks at him "why what happened? Did you see him? Was he okay?"

"Saw him once, bloody and beaten as all hell, holding his br-" michael hiccups "broken guitar."

Adrienne's face falls "his bass. Oh god no." Adrienne curls up and sobs again.

"Are you crying?" Michael slurs and turns to her.

Michael started to feel drowsy. He falls, his head on her lap and adrienne yelps in surprise, and maybe even pain, but let michael lie there with his hooded eyes.

"Goodnight michael, i'll be here, don't worry." Adrienne starts playing with his brown hair and he sighs and closes his eyes letting himself rest.


Lips were soft and feverish against mine. Kisses were spread like wildfire all over my body, down my neck, towards my collarbones. My skin was on fire but i liked it. I liked it a lot.

Feeling like returning the favor i kiss their lips once again and i was surprised to see adrienne's plump lips against mine. They were as soft as i had imagined maybe even more and goddamn it drove me crazy.

"Michael," she moans. I hum a response as i send kisses down her neck.

I was surprised to see bruises start to form. Around her neck, down her arms, on her bare yet beautiful torso. Black and blue, all spread down her body.

I look at her face and see her eyes were swollen shut, her lips were bleeding. Her hands caress my cheek.

"Save me, michael." She whispers "save me."

Michael woke up.

Jet black heart ,, mgcWhere stories live. Discover now