Addressing matters

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Anna's POV:

I felt the cold blow of air conditioner hit my face as Dan and I walked into the apartment. Phil, Dan and I had an awesome day out in town. We went to a couple of shops, the park, and Shakeaway. Phil then got a call from Stephanie saying that they had to meet right away at her place, so we all finished our shakes (which were fantastic, I might add), and went our separate ways. Today was the best distraction and ice breaker. While the party incident was 2 days ago, the awkwardness was still pretty fresh. We both knew what happened, and while we did kinda resolve it that night, I feel like there is still a tension, like something else still needs to be said.

I set my backpack on the table. It was now kinda heavy with the treasures we found, but only contained my phone, pencils, my wallet, and my sketchpad when we left.

My sketchpad.

I honestly haven't touched it since I arrived. So, it had been a while since I last drew. I stood for a second, recalling my last drawing. 'That's right, the park picture'. I think, answering my own question. I started to paint the picture in my head again. The bench, the bird, our hands. The loving smiles on our faces. 

I have stopped denying things now. Why lie to myself? I'm in love with Dan. Head over heals, at the risk of sounding cliche. I did regret the kiss after it happened, but in that moment and the days following, that kiss was everything I have wanted.

But it was missing something, and for the past couple of days, I tried to figure out what. Soon I figured it out. It was his intentions. His want, his acceptance, his desire. He walked in there blind, he would have done that to anyone. I'm not special, and I know better. I know he doesn't feel that way about me.

That's why, even though I have made peace with my feelings, they will stay trapped in my head like a emotional prisoner.

"You hungry there, daydreamer?" Dan said, breaking me out of my trance. I wonder if it was obvious that I was literally staring at my backpack for 2 minutes. "Sure, what do you want?" I said, putting a safe distance between myself and the backpack. "How about some.......FREAKIN DELIA SMITH PANCAKES?!" He said, practically jumping up and down. "Pancakes? Its 3 in the afternoon!" I replied, honestly knowing he wasn't going to give. He gave me his sad eyes that I couldn't resist. "Oh FINE! But I don't know how to make them." He smiled and grabbed a pan from the cabinet. "Well then ill teach you of course!"

*time warp*

Dan's POV:

I bounced around the kitchen, lip syncing and grabbing plates for the first couple of pancakes we had made. Well, the ones that hadn't ended up on the floor. I look over at Anna, who is positioning herself and the pan, ready to flip. She really hadn't had a successful flip, and after all of our cooking, the flood seemed like it would have a meal of its own. "Ready?" She said, biting her lip in concentration. She tossed the pancake high into the air, and to my surprise, caught it right in the pan. She set the pan on the stove and jumped up and down. "I did it! I OWNED that pancake!" She said, jumping over to me and giving me a quick hug before returning to the newly flipped pancake.

God, she had to be the cutest thing I have ever seen. I have come to the conclusion that, I love Anna and everything about her. Her smile, her laugh, the fact that she still leaves a light on at night, her love for quirky movies, great music, and animals. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and even though I want a lot more than a friendship, if a friendship meant being together forever, I would take that too. I would do anything for her love me back, to kiss me again like the accident so few nights ago. But I was stuck. Friendzoned, alone, and madly in love with someone, with my feelings confined deep in my heart.

"Undisclosed Desires" by Muse was now blasting, as we had the apartment to ourselves. I noticed the counter getting full, so I decided to clear the table. Moving some paperwork, I turned around, and my big butt knocked over Anna's backpack, spilling the contents. I looked over at her, but she was engrossed in her perfect pancake, she didn't even notice the mess I had made. I went to pick everything up, when I saw a book, with a thin brown cover and a heart carved in the corner. I picked it up and realized, it was Anna's sketchbook. I knew she drew, but she had only showed me a rough sketch on Skype of a London view she said she saw in a dream. I looked over at her, her attention still over the stove. I opened up the book and began to slowly flip through. There were beautiful drawings towards the front of scenery and landscapes that made me smile. I peered over my shoulder, just to make sure she was still involved, and then turned back to the book. I flipped until I reached something very familiar that caught my eye.

It was me. There was a portrait of me, laughing actually. The detail was fantastic, and she even captured the art in my moth skull shirt. I really don't know what to think of this. I guess I was just a item of creativity, maybe something easy to draw? I flipped through, finally reaching the last drawing. I gasped out loud, and I knew I had her attention now. I still stared at the page. It was bench, I was on it, and so was Anna. There was a bird, a bag of bird seed, and two hands, clasped within each other. I was breathless now, entranced by the couple in the park, seeming so happy and content with their hands permanent and inseparable. After studying every line, I turned to Anna.

Anna's POV:

I heard a noise behind me. And I turned around, revealing Dan with something in his hands, looking like he was reading something. "What, are we out of s-" I stopped before I could even catch my breath. He had my sketchbook.

All the air in my lungs was suspended, and I felt like my body and time itself froze in their place. "Oh god..." I sputtered, almost inaudibly. He looked over at me, slowly turning and taking a step. The music was still playing, but my ears were ringing like I was going deaf. He walked over to me. This is it, this is the end of everything. He stood in front of me, our eyes locked, not saying a word. "Dan, I'm so-" my words hung off as his lips pressed into mine, hand brought up to my face. I looked up, considering Dan was much taller than me, and opened my eyes. His were closed, but was I imagining this? I closed my eyes again and relaxed into it. This kiss was much different than a couple of days ago. The closet dare was sloppy, and full of loneliness and sexual tension. Our parted lips now had a different feel. This kiss was full of sweetness, and a feeling of finally being whole, filling the empty part in my heart. It felt like I could sit here forever, not for seven minutes. A small tear fell down my face, before I noticed it had joined with a sitting tear already on his face. I felt my cold melt away, and a fire was lit inside me. We had finally separated, and I felt dizzy and amazed. He leaned his forehead against mine.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too." I said as I finally exhaled the breath I had been holding.

I smiled again as he re-closed the small gap between us.


HELL YES!!!!!!!!!! I have been holding onto this chapter for SO LONG!

This is what I have been waiting for, I hope it was everything you dreamed of.

Don't fret, the story is far from over!

I hope you fell in love with this chapter, I know I did!

Please read, vote, comment, and share!

"My pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on."

Much love-


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