Normal is boring

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Anna's POV:

As much as I enjoyed our warm, dizzy embrace, I immediately regretted it after we pulled apart. We stared into each others eyes for a good minute afterward, both confused with nothing to say. What did just happen? It couldn't have been my own hopeless imagination...right? I didn't start running...or did I? Was he wanting that to happen? Whatever he did or didn't do, I could tell he regretted it.

God he must think i'm a fool. A freak. He probably just meant for it to be a friendly hug: and I ruined it with my stupid emotions getting in the way.

I was on the verge of tears when a smooth sound finally came from him. "S-should we get your bags now?" he said, breaking the silence. 

His voice was even deeper and hotter in person. Great.

"That would be good." was seriously the only thing I could croak out.

We walked in silence, got my luggage in silence, and rode in silence. I actually wanted to rip my eyeballs out of their sockets. This is seriously all my fault.

Dan's POV:

The silence was going to kill me. Sitting in a car so quiet, there is plenty enough time for you to reflect on the shittiest thing you just did, and mentally drive yourself into a tree.

This is all my fault, she thinks i'm weird. She now probably knows her best friend is in love with her, and the whole friendship has been ruined by my obvious feelings practically exploding at the gate.

We were about 10 minutes from the house, but I felt like if this car was silent any longer, one of us was going to eject ourselves from it. I tried to think of something to say, to break the ice, but its like my throat had dried up in embarrassment. There were no words to say, nothing I could explain without sound like a creepy emotional asshole.

So, I turned on the radio. The last line of some shitty pop song was just fading out when it came on. "Supermassive Black Hole" began to ring out. I started kinda nodding my head, soon glancing over to see Anna was doing the same, all while mouthing the words. The chorus came and our eyes met. She broke out in a smile and it happened. "GLACIERS MELTING IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT, AND THE SUPERSTARS SUCKED INTO THE SUPERMASSIVE- SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE!!!"

And at that moment, we both were sing/shouting the lyrics to one of my, and apparently her favorite Muse songs. 

When the song finally ended, we had arrived at the flat, both folded over in laughter. I had never felt so comfortable in my life, and I wish that moment, that hilarious moment with the most beautiful person I have ever met, would have lasted forever.


woah wOah WOAH.

Dear, the like 2 people who read this shitty fanfiction,


I can't believe how MIA I have been. Things have been hectic, writers block be blockin. Sorry cupcakes.

Gotta explain something here. The age of Anna in real life and what I wrote her age was in the tweet was WRONG ON PURPOSE. I was going to make it a big deal later, that she lied in her tweet and they get in a big fight, blah blah blah. But that story was so underdeveloped and going nowhere. I don't feel like trying to find all the age difference mistakes, so love, ignore them. Crappy plots that will never see the light of day.

BUTTTTT I have soooooo much in store for this! Chapters like this are basically filler, I just wanna get to the good stuff! I have important pieces planned, I just need to find ways to connect them all with different fillers. Hell, I even have the end planned (ITS GOOOOOOODDD). So please stick around, Its going to be great.

I wrote this BS at 3 am. Enjoy.


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