The call

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Anna's POV:

*sizzle* SHIT! 

As I was frantically straightening my hair, my finger got in the way, and now has a big red mark right on the tip. Great. Now I look like a klutz, with half straightened hair.

I planned on getting ready earlier, but my lecture ran late, and now I can't look perfect for me and Dan's Skype date. Ugh. "Anna, quit saying that, its not a date and you know it." I scolded to myself under my breath. I didn't have to be so quiet though, I was now in a new apartment with a roommate that's never home. I am beginning to despise her. I have only known her for about a week, and shes already left a WAY to big of an impression on me. Shes a slob, barely talks to me, hogs the couch and eats all the food. So shes basically a dog. That has really loud sex next to my room. So, its kind of a blessing that shes never home.

I throw on my best FOB (an: FOB is Fall Out Boy) t-shirt and put a little mascara on, and sit down in front of my computer. I look horrible. I look washed out and my hair is a mess. I know i'm not supposed to be trying to impress him, he's my best friend for gods sake. I just keep trying to push down these feelings that have strengthened since we started talking, but its hard. I mean, before I won that contest, I had a normal, fan girl crush.

If someone asked me then why I liked Dan, I would probably say "Because he's super cute, and his accent is awesome, and I love all of his videos."

Now? It would go more like this, "He's like my other half. I could almost be in tears, and in one sentence, he makes me laugh. He always asks about my day, and lets me know he cares. If I tell him someone hurt me, he defends me, and i'm pretty sure he would hurt anyone that hurt me. I have told him almost everything about me. He accepts my past, and I accept his. Behind his humor there is so much more, and I have no idea what I would do without him."

I sat in my seat, almost breathless about what I just thought about. I just tried to shake it off and re-adjusted my web cam. And without even thinking about it, I found that my finger clicked the call button. I was all of a sudden super excited. I wanted to see him so bad.

When he answered the call though, I said hi, but he just froze. I thought the chat had frozen, but his eyes were  just fixated on me, the only signs of life was his chest rising and falling. Was I not what he expected? Wanted? I started to feel really self conscious before he finally snapped out of his trance.

We talked for what seemed like forever, and it was a forever that I never wanted to end. I just looked at him, almost stuck in the same trance he was before. I shook out of it and broke the silence. "I had so much fun tonight, I think I might need a change of pants, I laughed way to hard!" he giggled but I turned red. Seriously? Your pants! You're talking about soiling yourself in front of a guy. WAY TO GO ANNA.

We said our goodbyes, and soon his face disappeared off my screen. I sighed heavily. I could honestly had talked to him all night, but I knew it was really late in London, so I decided to shut up- and let him go.

I layed down in my bed and stared at the stars outside my window. This is the happiest I had been, well...ever. I have never even met Dan in person, but I feel the strongest connection. I knew he probably didn't like me that way, he knew we were just friends. But it made me wonder. Why was he staring at me that way? Was it good or bad? The questions and ideas screamed through my brain, so I eventually clutched my baby Totoro and put my ear buds in for some Muse to block out my rowdy roommate and her new "companion" It worked, and memories of our video chat lulled me to sleep with a smile on my face.

AW DANG MY POPPERS! 2 updates in ONE DAY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So I hope you enjoyed this, it wasn't as easy to write, so its not my favorite chapter. It feels like something I could have wrote in middle school. I'm sorry :(

But I hope it gave you your fix, so please VOTE, COMMENT, LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading!

"My pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on."


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