A reply of hope?

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Dan's P.O.V

I almost immediately regretted that tweet. I know that I was kinda lonely since me and Phil haven't spent anytime together due to his little chippy. Don't get me wrong, I like his new girlfriend. Shes nice, pretty, but a HUGE time sucker. I have been wanting to make another "Amazing Dan" video, but he's always busy, going to town with her, going to the zoo with her, etc.

But was I really so lonely that I felt that I needed an internet pen pal?

Pathetic, that's what it is.

I have been scrolling for a few hours now, and mostly seeing replies of the sort:

"Omg, Hi dan! I love your videos! My name is julia and im 14 and i love muse and your videos! Call me ! ;)"

I literally just scrolled right past those.

Even some older girls' replies came along, but they all were trying too hard. I could bet my life savings and keep it, that all of the girls on here that claimed that they loved Muse just as much as me, couldn't name another song besides Madness, just because it was overcome by the radio, playing after a repeated Taylor Swift song.

Sometimes I regret becoming famous on YouTube. I feel like I can't make friends that aren't fans before hand, and they just can't look at me normally.

I was just about to close down Twitter when I came past a reply that caught my eye.

"Hey, god I feel fucking awkward doing this. My name is Anna, and I'm 21 from the US. I feel like its pretty pointless to go on about stuff I like. If you like me or not, I'm still me, which is fine. If you want to find out more, check out my profile."

I was hooked. But why? I don't even know this girl. Maybe it was fatigue, but I was already so interested to find out more.

Maybe that's why. She didn't try to push herself on me and try to make herself seem perfect, like everybody else did. She felt real, and that's what I look for in a friend.

Through further reading on her account, I feel like we have been friends for a long time. There were a couple of fangirl posts, but everything else was mostly quotes from my favorite bands and TV shows. (Even thought in a tweet she said she despises High School Musical, but I think I can get over that)

So I took  the step I might regret later. 

I PMed her.


What up pop babies? So sorry it has been a while, I had writers block. Then, of course at 5am, I got inspiration, and well, this happened.

I thought it would be a good idea to let you know how the other half to our equation is doing. Bloody Fantastic, ain't it?

ps: Im not british, but I wish I was.....

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"My pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on."

-Love and wishes,


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